
Какие видео можно монетизировать? Скоро на XaFi появится монетизация видео. Отслеживаем cool


Анастасия Высоцкая
13 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

🎷20 и 21 ноября. ХАБАРОВСК.Бар "Виноград". Начало в 20:00.
🎷23 ноября. КОМСОМОЛЬСК-НА-АМУРЕ. Дом Молодежи. Начало в 19:00.
🎷25 ноября. УССУРИЙСК. МЦКД "Горизонт". Начоло в 19:00.
🎷26 ноября. НАХОДКА. Ресторан "Горизонт". Начало в 19:00.
🎷27, 28 и 29 ноября. ВЛАДИВОСТОК. Ресторан "Gastroli grill ". Начало в 20:00.
🎷30 ноября. ЮЖНО-САХАЛИНСК. Рестобар "Sova". Начало в 20:00.
🎷2 декабря. ПЕТРОПАВЛОВСК-КАМЧАТСКИЙ. КЗФ "Октябрьский". Начало в 19:00.
🎷4 декабря. УЛАН-УДЭ. Ресторан "Баран на Корове". Начало в 19:00.
🎷5 декабря. ЧИТА. Драмтеатр им. Н.А. Березина. Начало в 19:00.
🎷19,20,21 февраля. ОМСК. Ресторан "Birliman". Начало в 20:00.
🎷23 февраля. КУРГАН. ДК "Железнодорожников" . Начало в 19:00.
🎷24 февраля. ТЮМЕНЬ.ДК "Железнодорожников". Начало в 19:00
🎷25,26,27 февраля. ЧЕЛЯБИНСК. Ресторан "Paulaner Brauhaus" Начало в 20:00
🎷28,29 февраля. ЕКАТЕРИНБУРГ. Ресторан "Ben Hall" в 20:00
🎷1 марта. ПЕРМЬ. ДК "Гагарина" в 19:00
🎷3,4 марта. ИЖЕВСК. Ресторан "Пинта" в 20:00
🎷6 марта. УФА. Ресторан "MusicHall27" в 20:00
🎷8 марта. МАГНИТОГОРСК .Левобережный ДК "Металлургов" Начало в 19:00
🎷11 марта. ОРЕНБУРГ. ДКиС "Газовик" Начало в 19:00

🎟️Билеты по ссылке:

Возникли вопросы? Звоните: ☎ 8 (923) 464-0032

Анастасия Высоцкая -профессиональный саксофонист, композитор, гастролирующий артист.Сотрудничаю с артистами, музыкантами, DJ в России и за рубежом. Пишу как свою музыку, так и делаю различные интерпретации и ремиксы популярных композиций. Организация концертов «Империя Концерт» +7-913-412-52-28

Anastasia Vysotskaya is a professional saxophonist, composer, and touring artist.I cooperate with artists, musicians, DJs in Russia and abroad. I write both my own music and make various interpretations and remixes of popular compositions. Organization of concerts "Empire Concert" +7-913-412-52-28
E-mail: ✈️ 🎥 📽️ 🙋

Анастасия Высоцкая
7 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

⁣Билеты на сайте 🎟
🎷2 октября ВЛАДИВОСТОК
🎷3 октября ВЛАДИВОСТОК
🎷5 октября УССУРИЙСК
🎷6 октября ВЛАДИВОСТОК
🎷10 октября ХАБАРОВСК
🎷11 октября ХАБАРОВСК
🎷16 октября УЛАН-УДЭ
🎷17 октября ЧИТА
🎷18 октября ИРКУТСК
🎷19 октября ИРКУТСК
🎷24 октября КРАСНОЯРСК
🎷25 октября АБАКАН
🎷26 октября КЕМЕРОВО
🎷27 октября КЕМЕРОВО

🎷7 ноября ТОМСК
🎷8 ноября БИЙСК
🎷10 ноября БАРНАУЛ
🎷13 ноября НОВОСИБИРСК
🎷14 ноября НОВОСИБИРСК
🎷15 ноября НОВОСИБИРСК
🎷17 ноября ОМСК
🎷20 ноября ОМСК
🎷21 ноября ОМСК
🎷24 ноября ТЮМЕНЬ
🎷28 ноября СУРГУТ
🎷30 ноября НОВОКУЗНЕЦК
🎷1 декабря НОВОКУЗНЕЦК

🎟 Билеты на сайте:

Организация концертов ☎ +79235369870

Анастасия Высоцкая -профессиональный саксофонист, композитор, гастролирующий артист.Сотрудничаю с артистами, музыкантами, DJ в России и за рубежом. Пишу как свою музыку, так и делаю различные интерпретации и ремиксы популярных композиций. Организация концертов ☎ +79235369870

Anastasia Vysotskaya is a professional saxophonist, composer, and touring artist.I cooperate with artists, musicians, DJs in Russia and abroad. I write both my own music and make various interpretations and remixes of popular compositions. Organization of concerts ☎ +79235369870
E-mail: ✈ 🎥

/ saks4233 📽

/ @ladynsaxlife

Анастасия Высоцкая
7 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

🎷20 и 21 ноября. ХАБАРОВСК.Бар "Виноград". Начало в 20:00.
🎷23 ноября. КОМСОМОЛЬСК-НА-АМУРЕ. Дом Молодежи. Начало в 19:00.
🎷25 ноября. УССУРИЙСК. МЦКД "Горизонт". Начоло в 19:00.
🎷26 ноября. НАХОДКА. Ресторан "Горизонт". Начало в 19:00.
🎷27, 28 и 29 ноября. ВЛАДИВОСТОК. Ресторан "Gastroli grill ". Начало в 20:00.
🎷30 ноября. ЮЖНО-САХАЛИНСК. Рестобар "Sova". Начало в 20:00.
🎷2 декабря. ПЕТРОПАВЛОВСК-КАМЧАТСКИЙ. КЗФ "Октябрьский". Начало в 19:00.
🎷4 декабря. УЛАН-УДЭ. Ресторан "Баран на Корове". Начало в 19:00.
🎷5 декабря. ЧИТА. Драмтеатр им. Н.А. Березина. Начало в 19:00.
🎷19,20,21 февраля. ОМСК. Ресторан "Birliman". Начало в 20:00.
🎷23 февраля. КУРГАН. ДК "Железнодорожников" . Начало в 19:00.
🎷24 февраля. ТЮМЕНЬ.ДК "Железнодорожников". Начало в 19:00
🎷25,26,27 февраля. ЧЕЛЯБИНСК. Ресторан "Paulaner Brauhaus" Начало в 20:00
🎷28,29 февраля. ЕКАТЕРИНБУРГ. Ресторан "Ben Hall" в 20:00
🎷1 марта. ПЕРМЬ. ДК "Гагарина" в 19:00
🎷3,4 марта. ИЖЕВСК. Ресторан "Пинта" в 20:00
🎷6 марта. УФА. Ресторан "MusicHall27" в 20:00
🎷8 марта. МАГНИТОГОРСК .Левобережный ДК "Металлургов" Начало в 19:00
🎷11 марта. ОРЕНБУРГ. ДКиС "Газовик" Начало в 19:00

🎟️Билеты по ссылке:

Возникли вопросы? Звоните: ☎ 8 (923) 464-0032

Анастасия Высоцкая -профессиональный саксофонист, композитор, гастролирующий артист.Сотрудничаю с артистами, музыкантами, DJ в России и за рубежом. Пишу как свою музыку, так и делаю различные интерпретации и ремиксы популярных композиций. Организация концертов «Империя Концерт» +7-913-412-52-28

Anastasia Vysotskaya is a professional saxophonist, composer, and touring artist.I cooperate with artists, musicians, DJs in Russia and abroad. I write both my own music and make various interpretations and remixes of popular compositions. Organization of concerts "Empire Concert" +7-913-412-52-28
E-mail: ✈️ 🎥 📽️ 🙋

Анастасия Высоцкая
9 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

🎷20 и 21 ноября. ХАБАРОВСК.Бар "Виноград". Начало в 20:00.
🎷23 ноября. КОМСОМОЛЬСК-НА-АМУРЕ. Дом Молодежи. Начало в 19:00.
🎷25 ноября. УССУРИЙСК. МЦКД "Горизонт". Начоло в 19:00.
🎷26 ноября. НАХОДКА. Ресторан "Горизонт". Начало в 19:00.
🎷27, 28 и 29 ноября. ВЛАДИВОСТОК. Ресторан "Gastroli grill ". Начало в 20:00.
🎷30 ноября. ЮЖНО-САХАЛИНСК. Рестобар "Sova". Начало в 20:00.
🎷2 декабря. ПЕТРОПАВЛОВСК-КАМЧАТСКИЙ. КЗФ "Октябрьский". Начало в 19:00.
🎷4 декабря. УЛАН-УДЭ. Ресторан "Баран на Корове". Начало в 19:00.
🎷5 декабря. ЧИТА. Драмтеатр им. Н.А. Березина. Начало в 19:00.
🎷19,20,21 февраля. ОМСК. Ресторан "Birliman". Начало в 20:00.
🎷23 февраля. КУРГАН. ДК "Железнодорожников" . Начало в 19:00.
🎷24 февраля. ТЮМЕНЬ.ДК "Железнодорожников". Начало в 19:00
🎷25,26,27 февраля. ЧЕЛЯБИНСК. Ресторан "Paulaner Brauhaus" Начало в 20:00
🎷28,29 февраля. ЕКАТЕРИНБУРГ. Ресторан "Ben Hall" в 20:00
🎷1 марта. ПЕРМЬ. ДК "Гагарина" в 19:00
🎷3,4 марта. ИЖЕВСК. Ресторан "Пинта" в 20:00
🎷6 марта. УФА. Ресторан "MusicHall27" в 20:00
🎷8 марта. МАГНИТОГОРСК .Левобережный ДК "Металлургов" Начало в 19:00
🎷11 марта. ОРЕНБУРГ. ДКиС "Газовик" Начало в 19:00

🎟️Билеты по ссылке:

Возникли вопросы? Звоните: ☎ 8 (923) 464-0032

Анастасия Высоцкая -профессиональный саксофонист, композитор, гастролирующий артист.Сотрудничаю с артистами, музыкантами, DJ в России и за рубежом. Пишу как свою музыку, так и делаю различные интерпретации и ремиксы популярных композиций. Организация концертов «Империя Концерт» +7-913-412-52-28

Anastasia Vysotskaya is a professional saxophonist, composer, and touring artist.I cooperate with artists, musicians, DJs in Russia and abroad. I write both my own music and make various interpretations and remixes of popular compositions. Organization of concerts "Empire Concert" +7-913-412-52-28
E-mail: ✈️ 🎥 📽️ 🙋

Анастасия Высоцкая
2 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

🎷20 и 21 ноября. ХАБАРОВСК.Бар "Виноград". Начало в 20:00.
🎷23 ноября. КОМСОМОЛЬСК-НА-АМУРЕ. Дом Молодежи. Начало в 19:00.
🎷25 ноября. УССУРИЙСК. МЦКД "Горизонт". Начоло в 19:00.
🎷26 ноября. НАХОДКА. Ресторан "Горизонт". Начало в 19:00.
🎷27, 28 и 29 ноября. ВЛАДИВОСТОК. Ресторан "Gastroli grill ". Начало в 20:00.
🎷30 ноября. ЮЖНО-САХАЛИНСК. Рестобар "Sova". Начало в 20:00.
🎷2 декабря. ПЕТРОПАВЛОВСК-КАМЧАТСКИЙ. КЗФ "Октябрьский". Начало в 19:00.
🎷4 декабря. УЛАН-УДЭ. Ресторан "Баран на Корове". Начало в 19:00.
🎷5 декабря. ЧИТА. Драмтеатр им. Н.А. Березина. Начало в 19:00.
🎷19,20,21 февраля. ОМСК. Ресторан "Birliman". Начало в 20:00.
🎷23 февраля. КУРГАН. ДК "Железнодорожников" . Начало в 19:00.
🎷24 февраля. ТЮМЕНЬ.ДК "Железнодорожников". Начало в 19:00
🎷25,26,27 февраля. ЧЕЛЯБИНСК. Ресторан "Paulaner Brauhaus" Начало в 20:00
🎷28,29 февраля. ЕКАТЕРИНБУРГ. Ресторан "Ben Hall" в 20:00
🎷1 марта. ПЕРМЬ. ДК "Гагарина" в 19:00
🎷3,4 марта. ИЖЕВСК. Ресторан "Пинта" в 20:00
🎷6 марта. УФА. Ресторан "MusicHall27" в 20:00
🎷8 марта. МАГНИТОГОРСК .Левобережный ДК "Металлургов" Начало в 19:00
🎷11 марта. ОРЕНБУРГ. ДКиС "Газовик" Начало в 19:00

🎟️Билеты по ссылке:

Возникли вопросы? Звоните: ☎ 8 (923) 464-0032

Анастасия Высоцкая -профессиональный саксофонист, композитор, гастролирующий артист.Сотрудничаю с артистами, музыкантами, DJ в России и за рубежом. Пишу как свою музыку, так и делаю различные интерпретации и ремиксы популярных композиций. Организация концертов «Империя Концерт» +7-913-412-52-28

Anastasia Vysotskaya is a professional saxophonist, composer, and touring artist.I cooperate with artists, musicians, DJs in Russia and abroad. I write both my own music and make various interpretations and remixes of popular compositions. Organization of concerts "Empire Concert" +7-913-412-52-28
E-mail: ✈️ 🎥 📽️ 🙋

Анастасия Высоцкая
6 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

исп.Anastasiya Vysoskya

Анастасия Высоцкая
6 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

🎷20 и 21 ноября. ХАБАРОВСК.Бар "Виноград". Начало в 20:00.
🎷23 ноября. КОМСОМОЛЬСК-НА-АМУРЕ. Дом Молодежи. Начало в 19:00.
🎷25 ноября. УССУРИЙСК. МЦКД "Горизонт". Начоло в 19:00.
🎷26 ноября. НАХОДКА. Ресторан "Горизонт". Начало в 19:00.
🎷27, 28 и 29 ноября. ВЛАДИВОСТОК. Ресторан "Gastroli grill ". Начало в 20:00.
🎷30 ноября. ЮЖНО-САХАЛИНСК. Рестобар "Sova". Начало в 20:00.
🎷2 декабря. ПЕТРОПАВЛОВСК-КАМЧАТСКИЙ. КЗФ "Октябрьский". Начало в 19:00.
🎷4 декабря. УЛАН-УДЭ. Ресторан "Баран на Корове". Начало в 19:00.
🎷5 декабря. ЧИТА. Драмтеатр им. Н.А. Березина. Начало в 19:00.
🎷19,20,21 февраля. ОМСК. Ресторан "Birliman". Начало в 20:00.
🎷23 февраля. КУРГАН. ДК "Железнодорожников" . Начало в 19:00.
🎷24 февраля. ТЮМЕНЬ.ДК "Железнодорожников". Начало в 19:00
🎷25,26,27 февраля. ЧЕЛЯБИНСК. Ресторан "Paulaner Brauhaus" Начало в 20:00
🎷28,29 февраля. ЕКАТЕРИНБУРГ. Ресторан "Ben Hall" в 20:00
🎷1 марта. ПЕРМЬ. ДК "Гагарина" в 19:00
🎷3,4 марта. ИЖЕВСК. Ресторан "Пинта" в 20:00
🎷6 марта. УФА. Ресторан "MusicHall27" в 20:00
🎷8 марта. МАГНИТОГОРСК .Левобережный ДК "Металлургов" Начало в 19:00
🎷11 марта. ОРЕНБУРГ. ДКиС "Газовик" Начало в 19:00

🎟️Билеты по ссылке:

Возникли вопросы? Звоните: ☎ 8 (923) 464-0032

Анастасия Высоцкая -профессиональный саксофонист, композитор, гастролирующий артист.Сотрудничаю с артистами, музыкантами, DJ в России и за рубежом. Пишу как свою музыку, так и делаю различные интерпретации и ремиксы популярных композиций. Организация концертов «Империя Концерт» +7-913-412-52-28

Anastasia Vysotskaya is a professional saxophonist, composer, and touring artist.I cooperate with artists, musicians, DJs in Russia and abroad. I write both my own music and make various interpretations and remixes of popular compositions. Organization of concerts "Empire Concert" +7-913-412-52-28
E-mail: ✈️ 🎥 📽️ 🙋

Анастасия Высоцкая
3 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

🎷20 и 21 ноября. ХАБАРОВСК.Бар "Виноград". Начало в 20:00.
🎷23 ноября. КОМСОМОЛЬСК-НА-АМУРЕ. Дом Молодежи. Начало в 19:00.
🎷25 ноября. УССУРИЙСК. МЦКД "Горизонт". Начоло в 19:00.
🎷26 ноября. НАХОДКА. Ресторан "Горизонт". Начало в 19:00.
🎷27, 28 и 29 ноября. ВЛАДИВОСТОК. Ресторан "Gastroli grill ". Начало в 20:00.
🎷30 ноября. ЮЖНО-САХАЛИНСК. Рестобар "Sova". Начало в 20:00.
🎷2 декабря. ПЕТРОПАВЛОВСК-КАМЧАТСКИЙ. КЗФ "Октябрьский". Начало в 19:00.
🎷4 декабря. УЛАН-УДЭ. Ресторан "Баран на Корове". Начало в 19:00.
🎷5 декабря. ЧИТА. Драмтеатр им. Н.А. Березина. Начало в 19:00.
🎷19,20,21 февраля. ОМСК. Ресторан "Birliman". Начало в 20:00.
🎷23 февраля. КУРГАН. ДК "Железнодорожников" . Начало в 19:00.
🎷24 февраля. ТЮМЕНЬ.ДК "Железнодорожников". Начало в 19:00
🎷25,26,27 февраля. ЧЕЛЯБИНСК. Ресторан "Paulaner Brauhaus" Начало в 20:00
🎷28,29 февраля. ЕКАТЕРИНБУРГ. Ресторан "Ben Hall" в 20:00
🎷1 марта. ПЕРМЬ. ДК "Гагарина" в 19:00
🎷3,4 марта. ИЖЕВСК. Ресторан "Пинта" в 20:00
🎷6 марта. УФА. Ресторан "MusicHall27" в 20:00
🎷8 марта. МАГНИТОГОРСК .Левобережный ДК "Металлургов" Начало в 19:00
🎷11 марта. ОРЕНБУРГ. ДКиС "Газовик" Начало в 19:00

🎟️Билеты по ссылке:

Возникли вопросы? Звоните: ☎ 8 (923) 464-0032

Анастасия Высоцкая -профессиональный саксофонист, композитор, гастролирующий артист.Сотрудничаю с артистами, музыкантами, DJ в России и за рубежом. Пишу как свою музыку, так и делаю различные интерпретации и ремиксы популярных композиций. Организация концертов «Империя Концерт» +7-913-412-52-28

Anastasia Vysotskaya is a professional saxophonist, composer, and touring artist.I cooperate with artists, musicians, DJs in Russia and abroad. I write both my own music and make various interpretations and remixes of popular compositions. Organization of concerts "Empire Concert" +7-913-412-52-28
E-mail: ✈️ 🎥 📽️ 🙋

Анастасия Высоцкая
4 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад


Анастасия Высоцкая
2 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

🎷20 и 21 ноября. ХАБАРОВСК.Бар "Виноград". Начало в 20:00.
🎷23 ноября. КОМСОМОЛЬСК-НА-АМУРЕ. Дом Молодежи. Начало в 19:00.
🎷25 ноября. УССУРИЙСК. МЦКД "Горизонт". Начоло в 19:00.
🎷26 ноября. НАХОДКА. Ресторан "Горизонт". Начало в 19:00.
🎷27, 28 и 29 ноября. ВЛАДИВОСТОК. Ресторан "Gastroli grill ". Начало в 20:00.
🎷30 ноября. ЮЖНО-САХАЛИНСК. Рестобар "Sova". Начало в 20:00.
🎷2 декабря. ПЕТРОПАВЛОВСК-КАМЧАТСКИЙ. КЗФ "Октябрьский". Начало в 19:00.
🎷4 декабря. УЛАН-УДЭ. Ресторан "Баран на Корове". Начало в 19:00.
🎷5 декабря. ЧИТА. Драмтеатр им. Н.А. Березина. Начало в 19:00.
🎷19,20,21 февраля. ОМСК. Ресторан "Birliman". Начало в 20:00.
🎷23 февраля. КУРГАН. ДК "Железнодорожников" . Начало в 19:00.
🎷24 февраля. ТЮМЕНЬ.ДК "Железнодорожников". Начало в 19:00
🎷25,26,27 февраля. ЧЕЛЯБИНСК. Ресторан "Paulaner Brauhaus" Начало в 20:00
🎷28,29 февраля. ЕКАТЕРИНБУРГ. Ресторан "Ben Hall" в 20:00
🎷1 марта. ПЕРМЬ. ДК "Гагарина" в 19:00
🎷3,4 марта. ИЖЕВСК. Ресторан "Пинта" в 20:00
🎷6 марта. УФА. Ресторан "MusicHall27" в 20:00
🎷8 марта. МАГНИТОГОРСК .Левобережный ДК "Металлургов" Начало в 19:00
🎷11 марта. ОРЕНБУРГ. ДКиС "Газовик" Начало в 19:00

🎟️Билеты по ссылке:

Возникли вопросы? Звоните: ☎ 8 (923) 464-0032

Анастасия Высоцкая -профессиональный саксофонист, композитор, гастролирующий артист.Сотрудничаю с артистами, музыкантами, DJ в России и за рубежом. Пишу как свою музыку, так и делаю различные интерпретации и ремиксы популярных композиций. Организация концертов «Империя Концерт» +7-913-412-52-28

Anastasia Vysotskaya is a professional saxophonist, composer, and touring artist.I cooperate with artists, musicians, DJs in Russia and abroad. I write both my own music and make various interpretations and remixes of popular compositions. Organization of concerts "Empire Concert" +7-913-412-52-28
E-mail: ✈️ 🎥 📽️ 🙋

Анастасия Высоцкая
18 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

Artist: Anastasia Vysotskaya

Анастасия Высоцкая
2 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

LadynSax-For You

Анастасия Высоцкая
7 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

🎷20 и 21 ноября. ХАБАРОВСК.Бар "Виноград". Начало в 20:00.
🎷23 ноября. КОМСОМОЛЬСК-НА-АМУРЕ. Дом Молодежи. Начало в 19:00.
🎷25 ноября. УССУРИЙСК. МЦКД "Горизонт". Начоло в 19:00.
🎷26 ноября. НАХОДКА. Ресторан "Горизонт". Начало в 19:00.
🎷27, 28 и 29 ноября. ВЛАДИВОСТОК. Ресторан "Gastroli grill ". Начало в 20:00.
🎷30 ноября. ЮЖНО-САХАЛИНСК. Рестобар "Sova". Начало в 20:00.
🎷2 декабря. ПЕТРОПАВЛОВСК-КАМЧАТСКИЙ. КЗФ "Октябрьский". Начало в 19:00.
🎷4 декабря. УЛАН-УДЭ. Ресторан "Баран на Корове". Начало в 19:00.
🎷5 декабря. ЧИТА. Драмтеатр им. Н.А. Березина. Начало в 19:00.
🎷19,20,21 февраля. ОМСК. Ресторан "Birliman". Начало в 20:00.
🎷23 февраля. КУРГАН. ДК "Железнодорожников" . Начало в 19:00.
🎷24 февраля. ТЮМЕНЬ.ДК "Железнодорожников". Начало в 19:00
🎷25,26,27 февраля. ЧЕЛЯБИНСК. Ресторан "Paulaner Brauhaus" Начало в 20:00
🎷28,29 февраля. ЕКАТЕРИНБУРГ. Ресторан "Ben Hall" в 20:00
🎷1 марта. ПЕРМЬ. ДК "Гагарина" в 19:00
🎷3,4 марта. ИЖЕВСК. Ресторан "Пинта" в 20:00
🎷6 марта. УФА. Ресторан "MusicHall27" в 20:00
🎷8 марта. МАГНИТОГОРСК .Левобережный ДК "Металлургов" Начало в 19:00
🎷11 марта. ОРЕНБУРГ. ДКиС "Газовик" Начало в 19:00

🎟️Билеты по ссылке:

Возникли вопросы? Звоните: ☎ 8 (923) 464-0032

Анастасия Высоцкая -профессиональный саксофонист, композитор, гастролирующий артист.Сотрудничаю с артистами, музыкантами, DJ в России и за рубежом. Пишу как свою музыку, так и делаю различные интерпретации и ремиксы популярных композиций. Организация концертов «Империя Концерт» +7-913-412-52-28

Anastasia Vysotskaya is a professional saxophonist, composer, and touring artist.I cooperate with artists, musicians, DJs in Russia and abroad. I write both my own music and make various interpretations and remixes of popular compositions. Organization of concerts "Empire Concert" +7-913-412-52-28
E-mail: ✈️ 🎥 📽️ 🙋

Анастасия Высоцкая
7 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

🎷20 и 21 ноября. ХАБАРОВСК.Бар "Виноград". Начало в 20:00.
🎷23 ноября. КОМСОМОЛЬСК-НА-АМУРЕ. Дом Молодежи. Начало в 19:00.
🎷25 ноября. УССУРИЙСК. МЦКД "Горизонт". Начоло в 19:00.
🎷26 ноября. НАХОДКА. Ресторан "Горизонт". Начало в 19:00.
🎷27, 28 и 29 ноября. ВЛАДИВОСТОК. Ресторан "Gastroli grill ". Начало в 20:00.
🎷30 ноября. ЮЖНО-САХАЛИНСК. Рестобар "Sova". Начало в 20:00.
🎷2 декабря. ПЕТРОПАВЛОВСК-КАМЧАТСКИЙ. КЗФ "Октябрьский". Начало в 19:00.
🎷4 декабря. УЛАН-УДЭ. Ресторан "Баран на Корове". Начало в 19:00.
🎷5 декабря. ЧИТА. Драмтеатр им. Н.А. Березина. Начало в 19:00.
🎷19,20,21 февраля. ОМСК. Ресторан "Birliman". Начало в 20:00.
🎷23 февраля. КУРГАН. ДК "Железнодорожников" . Начало в 19:00.
🎷24 февраля. ТЮМЕНЬ.ДК "Железнодорожников". Начало в 19:00
🎷25,26,27 февраля. ЧЕЛЯБИНСК. Ресторан "Paulaner Brauhaus" Начало в 20:00
🎷28,29 февраля. ЕКАТЕРИНБУРГ. Ресторан "Ben Hall" в 20:00
🎷1 марта. ПЕРМЬ. ДК "Гагарина" в 19:00
🎷3,4 марта. ИЖЕВСК. Ресторан "Пинта" в 20:00
🎷6 марта. УФА. Ресторан "MusicHall27" в 20:00
🎷8 марта. МАГНИТОГОРСК .Левобережный ДК "Металлургов" Начало в 19:00
🎷11 марта. ОРЕНБУРГ. ДКиС "Газовик" Начало в 19:00

🎟️Билеты по ссылке:

Возникли вопросы? Звоните: ☎ 8 (923) 464-0032

Анастасия Высоцкая -профессиональный саксофонист, композитор, гастролирующий артист.Сотрудничаю с артистами, музыкантами, DJ в России и за рубежом. Пишу как свою музыку, так и делаю различные интерпретации и ремиксы популярных композиций. Организация концертов «Империя Концерт» +7-913-412-52-28

Anastasia Vysotskaya is a professional saxophonist, composer, and touring artist.I cooperate with artists, musicians, DJs in Russia and abroad. I write both my own music and make various interpretations and remixes of popular compositions. Organization of concerts "Empire Concert" +7-913-412-52-28
E-mail: ✈️ 🎥 📽️ 🙋

Анастасия Высоцкая
7 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

🎷20 и 21 ноября. ХАБАРОВСК.Бар "Виноград". Начало в 20:00.
🎷23 ноября. КОМСОМОЛЬСК-НА-АМУРЕ. Дом Молодежи. Начало в 19:00.
🎷25 ноября. УССУРИЙСК. МЦКД "Горизонт". Начоло в 19:00.
🎷26 ноября. НАХОДКА. Ресторан "Горизонт". Начало в 19:00.
🎷27, 28 и 29 ноября. ВЛАДИВОСТОК. Ресторан "Gastroli grill ". Начало в 20:00.
🎷30 ноября. ЮЖНО-САХАЛИНСК. Рестобар "Sova". Начало в 20:00.
🎷2 декабря. ПЕТРОПАВЛОВСК-КАМЧАТСКИЙ. КЗФ "Октябрьский". Начало в 19:00.
🎷4 декабря. УЛАН-УДЭ. Ресторан "Баран на Корове". Начало в 19:00.
🎷5 декабря. ЧИТА. Драмтеатр им. Н.А. Березина. Начало в 19:00.
🎷19,20,21 февраля. ОМСК. Ресторан "Birliman". Начало в 20:00.
🎷23 февраля. КУРГАН. ДК "Железнодорожников" . Начало в 19:00.
🎷24 февраля. ТЮМЕНЬ.ДК "Железнодорожников". Начало в 19:00
🎷25,26,27 февраля. ЧЕЛЯБИНСК. Ресторан "Paulaner Brauhaus" Начало в 20:00
🎷28,29 февраля. ЕКАТЕРИНБУРГ. Ресторан "Ben Hall" в 20:00
🎷1 марта. ПЕРМЬ. ДК "Гагарина" в 19:00
🎷3,4 марта. ИЖЕВСК. Ресторан "Пинта" в 20:00
🎷6 марта. УФА. Ресторан "MusicHall27" в 20:00
🎷8 марта. МАГНИТОГОРСК .Левобережный ДК "Металлургов" Начало в 19:00
🎷11 марта. ОРЕНБУРГ. ДКиС "Газовик" Начало в 19:00

🎟️Билеты по ссылке:

Возникли вопросы? Звоните: ☎ 8 (923) 464-0032

Анастасия Высоцкая -профессиональный саксофонист, композитор, гастролирующий артист.Сотрудничаю с артистами, музыкантами, DJ в России и за рубежом. Пишу как свою музыку, так и делаю различные интерпретации и ремиксы популярных композиций. Организация концертов «Империя Концерт» +7-913-412-52-28

Anastasia Vysotskaya is a professional saxophonist, composer, and touring artist.I cooperate with artists, musicians, DJs in Russia and abroad. I write both my own music and make various interpretations and remixes of popular compositions. Organization of concerts "Empire Concert" +7-913-412-52-28
E-mail: ✈️ 🎥 📽️ 🙋

Анастасия Высоцкая
2 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

🎷20 и 21 ноября. ХАБАРОВСК.Бар "Виноград". Начало в 20:00.
🎷23 ноября. КОМСОМОЛЬСК-НА-АМУРЕ. Дом Молодежи. Начало в 19:00.
🎷25 ноября. УССУРИЙСК. МЦКД "Горизонт". Начоло в 19:00.
🎷26 ноября. НАХОДКА. Ресторан "Горизонт". Начало в 19:00.
🎷27, 28 и 29 ноября. ВЛАДИВОСТОК. Ресторан "Gastroli grill ". Начало в 20:00.
🎷30 ноября. ЮЖНО-САХАЛИНСК. Рестобар "Sova". Начало в 20:00.
🎷2 декабря. ПЕТРОПАВЛОВСК-КАМЧАТСКИЙ. КЗФ "Октябрьский". Начало в 19:00.
🎷4 декабря. УЛАН-УДЭ. Ресторан "Баран на Корове". Начало в 19:00.
🎷5 декабря. ЧИТА. Драмтеатр им. Н.А. Березина. Начало в 19:00.
🎷19,20,21 февраля. ОМСК. Ресторан "Birliman". Начало в 20:00.
🎷23 февраля. КУРГАН. ДК "Железнодорожников" . Начало в 19:00.
🎷24 февраля. ТЮМЕНЬ.ДК "Железнодорожников". Начало в 19:00
🎷25,26,27 февраля. ЧЕЛЯБИНСК. Ресторан "Paulaner Brauhaus" Начало в 20:00
🎷28,29 февраля. ЕКАТЕРИНБУРГ. Ресторан "Ben Hall" в 20:00
🎷1 марта. ПЕРМЬ. ДК "Гагарина" в 19:00
🎷3,4 марта. ИЖЕВСК. Ресторан "Пинта" в 20:00
🎷6 марта. УФА. Ресторан "MusicHall27" в 20:00
🎷8 марта. МАГНИТОГОРСК .Левобережный ДК "Металлургов" Начало в 19:00
🎷11 марта. ОРЕНБУРГ. ДКиС "Газовик" Начало в 19:00

🎟️Билеты по ссылке:

Возникли вопросы? Звоните: ☎ 8 (923) 464-0032

Анастасия Высоцкая -профессиональный саксофонист, композитор, гастролирующий артист.Сотрудничаю с артистами, музыкантами, DJ в России и за рубежом. Пишу как свою музыку, так и делаю различные интерпретации и ремиксы популярных композиций. Организация концертов «Империя Концерт» +7-913-412-52-28

Anastasia Vysotskaya is a professional saxophonist, composer, and touring artist.I cooperate with artists, musicians, DJs in Russia and abroad. I write both my own music and make various interpretations and remixes of popular compositions. Organization of concerts "Empire Concert" +7-913-412-52-28
E-mail: ✈️ 🎥 📽️ 🙋

Анастасия Высоцкая
13 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

LADYNSAX - Welcome : Ladynsax

LADYNSAX - Et si tu n'existais pas (New Version Cover)
A-Mase & Ladynsax - Lily was Here (Extended Reload Mix)
Scorpions - Still Loving You (Amor feat. Ladynsax remix )
LADYNSAX - Ameno (Extended Remix Version)
LADYNSAX - For You (Acoustic Live)
Stereoline & Ladynsax - Cold Heart (Cover)
A-Mase & Ladynsax - Summer Love Story (Extended Mix)
Ladynsax & Dj Kapral - Utopia
LADYNSAX - На краю
LADYNSAX - Jimmy Jimmy aaja aaja (Cover)
LADYNSAX - Le professionel (Cover)

This video slide does not attempt to infringe any copyright of the artist and its owners. Its purpose is only to entertain and publicize the excellent work of musical artists. This channel is only shares quality music for people to enjoy. We do not intend to infringe copyright of the music and the image, we will withdraw it immediately if the artist, label or distributor wishes...

Анастасия Высоцкая
16 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

Welcome : Ladynsax

Ladynsax - YOU & I
Ladynsax - For you
Ladynsax - In The Night
A-Mase & Ladynsax - Summer Love Story
Ennio Morricone - Chi Mai (Ladynsax cover)
Igor Pumphonia ft. Ladynsax - My Different World
Ladynsax - Sweetheart
A-mase & Ladynsax - Lily Was Here (remix)
Joe Dassin - Et si tu n'existais pas (Ayur Tsyrenov & Ladynsax remix)
Ladynsax - Tasty
Ladynsax - Ameno (cover)
Titanic - (Ladynsax cover)
Toni Braxton - Unbreak My Heart (Amor ft. Ladynsax remix)
The Game of Thrones - (Ladynsax remix)
Ladynsax - Velour
Tomas Nevergreen - Since You've Been Gone (Dj Amor ft. Ladynsax Radio mix)
Nana - I Remember The Time - (Ladynsax cover)

This video slide does not attempt to infringe any copyright of the artist and its owners. Its purpose is only to entertain and publicize the excellent work of musical artists. This channel is only shares quality music for people to enjoy. We do not intend to infringe copyright of the music and the image, we will withdraw it immediately if the artist, label or distributor wishes...

Анастасия Высоцкая
8 Просмотры · 1 год тому назад

🎷20 и 21 ноября. ХАБАРОВСК.Бар "Виноград". Начало в 20:00.
🎷23 ноября. КОМСОМОЛЬСК-НА-АМУРЕ. Дом Молодежи. Начало в 19:00.
🎷25 ноября. УССУРИЙСК. МЦКД "Горизонт". Начоло в 19:00.
🎷26 ноября. НАХОДКА. Ресторан "Горизонт". Начало в 19:00.
🎷27, 28 и 29 ноября. ВЛАДИВОСТОК. Ресторан "Gastroli grill ". Начало в 20:00.
🎷30 ноября. ЮЖНО-САХАЛИНСК. Рестобар "Sova". Начало в 20:00.
🎷2 декабря. ПЕТРОПАВЛОВСК-КАМЧАТСКИЙ. КЗФ "Октябрьский". Начало в 19:00.
🎷4 декабря. УЛАН-УДЭ. Ресторан "Баран на Корове". Начало в 19:00.
🎷5 декабря. ЧИТА. Драмтеатр им. Н.А. Березина. Начало в 19:00.
🎷19,20,21 февраля. ОМСК. Ресторан "Birliman". Начало в 20:00.
🎷23 февраля. КУРГАН. ДК "Железнодорожников" . Начало в 19:00.
🎷24 февраля. ТЮМЕНЬ.ДК "Железнодорожников". Начало в 19:00
🎷25,26,27 февраля. ЧЕЛЯБИНСК. Ресторан "Paulaner Brauhaus" Начало в 20:00
🎷28,29 февраля. ЕКАТЕРИНБУРГ. Ресторан "Ben Hall" в 20:00
🎷1 марта. ПЕРМЬ. ДК "Гагарина" в 19:00
🎷3,4 марта. ИЖЕВСК. Ресторан "Пинта" в 20:00
🎷6 марта. УФА. Ресторан "MusicHall27" в 20:00
🎷8 марта. МАГНИТОГОРСК .Левобережный ДК "Металлургов" Начало в 19:00
🎷11 марта. ОРЕНБУРГ. ДКиС "Газовик" Начало в 19:00

🎟️Билеты по ссылке:

Возникли вопросы? Звоните: ☎ 8 (923) 464-0032

Анастасия Высоцкая -профессиональный саксофонист, композитор, гастролирующий артист.Сотрудничаю с артистами, музыкантами, DJ в России и за рубежом. Пишу как свою музыку, так и делаю различные интерпретации и ремиксы популярных композиций. Организация концертов «Империя Концерт» +7-913-412-52-28

Anastasia Vysotskaya is a professional saxophonist, composer, and touring artist.I cooperate with artists, musicians, DJs in Russia and abroad. I write both my own music and make various interpretations and remixes of popular compositions. Organization of concerts "Empire Concert" +7-913-412-52-28
E-mail: ✈️ 🎥 📽️ 🙋

3 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

🔔 Subskrybuj i kliknij w dzwoneczek żeby być na bieżąco!
Energy 2000 - Energy Mix vol. 5 (rok 2006) - (Mallancia - Deep Tieep)
Energy 2000 - Energy Mix vol. 8 (rok 2007) - (Mallancia - Disconnect)

"Mallancia, grupa o której praktycznie nic nie wiemy...." - DJ Hubertus & DJ Thomas

#energy2000 #energymix #djhubertus

41 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

This super-group showcases prog-phenom Trey Gunn (King Crimson) and Indian percussion master Selvaganesh (John McLaughlin, Masters of Percussion) teaming up with composer Jason Everett (Mister E), 7-string violinist Radhiker Iyer and a Seattle-based classical string ensemble.

Performing the eclectic compositions of world-jazz bassist Jason Everett, this group of Indian, Prog Rock, and Classical musicians take the listener on a journey of exotic soundscapes. Jason’s ability to weave Indian-style melodies together with complex, funky, odd-meter grooves is deceptively natural.




Special thanks to Kevin R. Haylett for his intricate abstractions.

10 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

Hi everyone, My name is Jim Butler and this is Deep Energy Podcast number 26, titled ‘A Deep Dark Meditation’ If this is your first time listening to the podcast, how it works is that I speak for a few minutes, then there is 60 minutes of uninterrupted Ambient/Electronic Music. You can find out more about me and my music at On my website you can find links to all of the past podcast, links for my pages at You Tube, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and Pinterest and links to places where you can purchase my music, including my new single titled ‘Solitude’ for only .99 cents from Amazon, iTunes, E-Music etc…which is playing in the background right now.


Also on my website, on the top of the column on the right side is a donate button. The podcast does have a fee involved to keep running, so any type of support is welcomed. Thanks in advance, and thanks to everyone who has made a donation. It is greatly appreciated.


Please see the show notes for additional info on the music for today’s podcast.


Hi everyone, this podcast is actually a remix of an earlier Dark Ambient podcast, which was one of my favorites that I had forgotten about until recently. Someone had decided to use this piece of music as a background for a guided meditation, so I went back and re-listened to it, and decided that I could do a better job of mixing and mastering it. So what you are listening to today is the remixed and re-mastered version. I also went back and slowed it down a little more. I think by doing that it added a little more depth to the music. I hope you agree….    


And now Deep Energy Podcast # 26 ‘A Deep Dark Meditation’   

2 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад
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Armless Kid - Choices (Vinyl, 12", EP) (2019).
Label: Vertv Records.
Available on VERTV Bandcamp (Vinyl/Digital):

6 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

💟 DOWNLOAD this song here!
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💜 This is the Deep Energy Remix of Human
💜 High Energy Uplifting Vocal Trance! Featuring Tecktonik / Industrial Dance

⭐ More Remixes from Deep Energy:

🔴 BE HERE NOW (Deep Energy Remix):

🔴 CYBER S3X (Deep Energy Remix):

🔴 Subscribe to Brioni Faith:


Written by Brioni Faith & Deep Energy
Remix by Deep Energy

Mixed and Mastered by Braddon Gilbert
at Get On Down Studios

Video: Brioni Faith
Executive Producer: Braddon Gilbert
Dancer: Aleister Grey

© Get On Down Records 2019

❤ A massive thank you to Deep Energy for this amazing Remix!

💜 A very special thank you to my Patrons who support my work!
You are family and I am super grateful for all that you do to help
me on my journey! Thanks to:

Adam O'Connell, Mike Sorto, Indys Ghost, Facundo Perez, Dave Bukowski, Hoby Bonelli, Marc Read, Gabriel Kayne, Olaf Jucknewitz, Vlado Dorner, KW, Todd Duncan, Philip Furino, 1972Webster, Joss Cybercoder, Zane Stanton, Doctor Song, Blippi Vert, LJ, Tania Shields, AgileBill Krebs, Toby Albach, Alex Beaudoin, Alexei Ishutin, Risako, David Buss, Karl Hansen, Ed Goforth, Tattooed Dragon, Charlotte Jansson, Markus Rümmler, Maylin Minton, Jag Taggart '93, AstralXC, Terry Stockwell, Dieter Baumgartner, Scott Willis, Nic Werneck, LordPhorse, Lothar Van Biesbrock, Lisa Marie Steele, Syntaxus, GuzziHero, Marcello Pola, Kitsune Snow, Steve Smith, Brian Morales, Ken Calhoun, Monique Gorman, Dustin Shaw, Sayomi, Toni Rönkkö, Oleg, Lesley Rason, Kat Whiskers, Kieron Horide, Serpent Valley Road, and Mr Wiggle. 💜

You all are changing my life, big hugs and love to you for that! xx

💜 Brioni xx


#BrioniFaith #VocalTrance #Tecktonik

4 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

Mega Hits 2023 🏖️ The Best Of Vocal Deep House Music Mix 2023 🏖️ Summer Music Mix 2023

🟢 Stream/Download:

#megahits #Summermixs #deephousemix #DeepEnergy

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Track list:
00:00 Dj Goja x Magic Phase - Calm Down
03:02 Veronica Bravo, Le Bober - Faded
05:46 Twin, Jessica Chertock - Love Me Like You Do
08:54 Twin, Margad - Sunflower
11:18 Twin, Veronica Bravo - We Don't Talk Anymore
14:19 Twin & Veronica Pichardo - Right Now
17:49 Alosa, Michelle Ray - Attention
20:41 Le Bober & Jessica Chertock - Prayer In C
23:22 Le Bober - Somebody Else
26:31 Dream Chaos, Della - Supergirl
29:49 Max Martis, HALUNA - California Dreamin'
32:26 Boostereo, HALUNA - Apologize
35:14 DJ Diac, ARIS - Broken Angel
38:14 Ben Plum, T'art - What Do You Mean
41:09 LexMorris, Michelle Ray - What Is Love
44:03 Cale, HALUNA - Hymn For The Weekend
46:38 Cale, Veronica Bravo - Promises
49:51 Alban Chela & Jessica Chertock - Lonely Together
52:31 DJ Alex Man & Britt - You Broke Me First
55:01 Alosa, Sara Phillips - Cool Kids

🚫 If you have any problem with copyright issues, or question please do not report me, take your time to contact us via mail, and we will response within 48h -
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» Thank you for watching! Have a nice day!

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For copyright issues, please contact us or leave us a personal message. We will remove your material immediately. PLEASE do not choose a Youtube strike.

deep house music mix 2023, summer music mix 2023, magic music mix 2023, magic club mix 2023, tropical house music mix 2023, megahits 2023, best of vocal deep house mix 2023, chillout mix 2023, remix popular songs 2023, vibes deep house mix 2023, deep house relax music mix 2023, deep mage, summer deep, deep lounge, deep mood, deep lounge, summer chill

9 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

👉 Get 5 FREE SONGS from Brioni Faith:

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🙏 Thank you for supporting independent music!! 💜

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"Human" is a high energy Vocal Trance track by Brioni Faith, and Polish Producer Deep Energy.

Human, by Brioni Faith & Deep Energy
Lyrics and Vocals by Brioni Faith
Music by Deep Energy

Produced by Brioni Faith, Deep Energy and Braddon Gilbert
Mixed by Braddon Gilbert at Get On Down Records
© ℗ Get On Down Records 2014


Brioni Faith
Deep Energy
Agent VX - Aleister Grey
Agent Phoenix - Brodie Hansford
Guard - Mr X

Music video written directed and produced by Brioni Faith
Executive Producer: Braddon GIlbert

Agent VX filmed and directed by Polaris Castillo
Cinematography by Matt LaCorte


Are We "Only" Human?

Brioni Faith discusses her new release "Human" and why she uses the line "You're not only human" in this latest song with Deep Energy.

"Believe it or not, only a couple of days ago - someone actually said the phrase "You're only human" to me. I had to laugh at the synchronicity!

I was tired that day, I had been pushing myself, working on this release... working long hours, and they were telling me to rest.

On one hand, the phrase can make you feel that it's ok to be flawed; you can take some comfort in that. On the other hand, it can steal your magnificence, and makes you believe that being human means being less than perfect.

In this instance, the context was that I was not a machine, as if somehow machines are superior in their ability to keep on going.

To use the phrase "You're only human" - to me denies the magnificence within human beings to push the limits, to explore beyond what we see and what we currently know.

We live in a world that often focuses on the physical and the mechanical, we often treat ourselves as machines. Of course, as humans we have to rest our bodies and minds. Even machines require maintenance and servicing.

However, the beauty of being human is that we have the ability to change and adapt our lives. We have the ability to explore new possibilities and to see things in different ways. Everyone has something inside them that they are here to share.

Too often we listen to the voices on the outside. We tend to believe that we are stuck a system that has control and we have none. We give up on our dreams and write them off as fantasy. We dismiss the inner voice, a calling that reminds us of who we truly are.

In this song I use the line, "Don't let them make you smaller."

Don't let the outside voices tell you that you are "only" human. Whether it's TV advertising pointing out "lack" in your life - or people you know who don't have the courage to believe in their own dreams, so they pull down yours.

Whether you're religious, spiritual, or atheist, there is nothing only -- about being human.

"Human" is a reminder to listen to that inner calling - not to be a product of the system. Life is a dance, and everyone has their part to play. When we listen to the inner voice, we start to hear the music that comes from within."

All music appears courtesy of Get On Down Records
© Get On Down Records 2014

3 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

Listening to 432Hz music resonates inside our body, releases emotional blockages and expands our consciousness. 432Hz allows us to tune into the wisdom of the Universe, Divine Intelligence and our Soul. It creates Unity instead of seperation. It expands our hearts and make us more compassionate and loving. One thing is for sure. A person who resonates with love have inner peace – and this is the starting point for a world were we live in Unity, Peace and Harmony with each-other and Mother Earth.

Modern science has begun to recognize what the ancient mystics and wise men have told us for centuries; that everything is in a constant state of vibration. Everything down to the smallest physical particle to the things we cannot not perceive with our (yet) limited senses.
The most elemental state of vibration is that of sound. Everything has an optimum range of vibration (frequency), and that rate is called resonance. When we are in resonance, we are in balance. Every organ and every cell in our precious body absorbs and emits sound with particular optimum resonate frequency. 432hz and 528hz tuned music creates resonance in our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body.














We are forever grateful to everyone that supports us just by tuning in to our channel, and for all you who buy our meditations, solfeggios and music! You make it POSSIBLE for us to continue our life purpose! From our hearts we Thank You!



We are very proud of our hard work and commitment to create HIGH quality Guided Meditations, Affirmation audios, Hypnosis sessions, Solfeggios and Relaxing Music. We put our Heart and Soul into every video we create with the intention to create something valuable for YOU, so you can walk the path of life feeling much more positive, conscious and empowered.

Our a grand mission and lifepurpose to raise the energy vibration of our planet and to make this world a more Loving - Peaceful and Joyful place for ALL life. To help and inspire YOU and the other millions of people listening to our audios to awaken to that awesome POWER we have within us. Prepare to open up the gates and let the pure lifeforce from YOUR HIGHER SELF flow through you NOW. Enjoy your journey.

For Your Freedom, Love and Joy,
Alexander & Kenneth


5 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

❤ Deep Energy's Official Remix for Be Here Now
❤ Download:
❤ Official Music Video:

💟 LIVE STREAMS Every Week! Houseparties & Hangouts!
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BE HERE NOW (The Single)

Written by: Mr X, Brioni Faith
Produced by: Mr X, Brioni Faith


Vocalist, Writer, Remixer, Co-producer, Video Director, Producer, Editor


Writer, Producer, Remixer, Mastering Engineer, Music Video Executive Producer. Website:


Remixer and Producer
Other releases:

Cyber Sex: Deep Energy Remix
Human: Co-writer, and Deep Energy Remix
Are You Ready: Co-writer

Be Here Now Release Mastered by Braddon Gilbert at Get On Down Studios. © ℗ Get On Down Records 2018

💜 A very special thank you to my Patrons who support my work!
You are family and I am super grateful for all that you do to help
me on my journey! Thanks to:

Mike Sorto, Indys Ghost, Facundo Perez, Dave Bukowski, Hoby Bonelli, Marc Read, Gabriel Kane, Olaf Jucknewitz, Doctor Song, AgileBill Krebs, Reinhard Bittner, Alex Beaudoin, Alexei Ishutin, Risako, Mark Overby, Maylin Minton, Jag Taggart '93, Dieter Baumgartner, Scott Willis, Byron Horde, Nick Werneck, Marlaina Luigjes, LordPhorse, Lothar Van Biesbrock, Marcello Pola, Kitsune Snow, Brian Morales, Neils Suffolk, Vitamin BPM Global, LJ, Lesley Rason, Kat Whiskers, Serpent Valley Road, and Mr Wiggle. 💜

You all are changing my life, big hugs and love to you for that! xx

🔴 THE DANCERS: (In order of appearance)

Brioni Faith
Porneia Penetrator
Cy MastinX
Lana (Kinetic Weapon)
Eduardo Von Glitch
Ciwana Black
Snowy Firefly
Dexen Infection
Mor1gun (Kinetic Weapon)
Roh Maribel
Caroline (Kinetic Weapon)
Verg-013 (Kinetic Weapon)
Cris Mans
Maria LM (Kinetic Weapon)

33 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

"Playing With Fire" is the first live recording by Deep Energy Orchestra. This super-group showcases prog-phenom Trey Gunn (King Crimson) and Indian percussion master Selvaganesh (John McLaughlin, Masters of Percussion) teaming up with composer Jason Everett (Mister E) and a Seattle-based classical string ensemble.

Performing the eclectic compositions of world-jazz bassist Jason Everett, this group of Indian, Prog Rock, and Classical musicians take the listener on a journey of exotic soundscapes. Jason’s ability to weave Indian-style melodies together with complex, funky, odd-meter grooves is deceptively natural.

These performances were recorded live over a two-day recording session at the Jack Straw Cultural Center in Seattle, WA as part of an Artist Residency award. Everything was also captured on video with multiple cameras so that the unusual instruments (tabla, kanjira, seven-string electric violin, Warr Guitar, and Selvaganesh’s custom drum kit) can be seen as well as heard.

6 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

Provided to YouTube by NAXOS of America

Deep Energy · Trio 21meter60

Nothing but Tuba

℗ 2021 Genuin

Released on: 2021-07-23

Ensemble: Trio 21meter60
Artist: Constantin Hartwig
Artist: Steffen Schmid
Artist: Fabian Neckermann
Composer: Nico Samitz

Auto-generated by YouTube.

8 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

💟 DOWNLOAD this song here!
💟 GET 5 Free Songs from me!
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Deep Energy is a Polish Producer, who in 2012 entered the 'Brioni Faith Cyber S3X Remix Competition' and took out the title. Deep Energy's Remix was included on the release, and is now available through iTunes, Beatport and all other leading digital retailers.

As part of the prize, Deep Energy created a set which was included in the Trance Mix Radio show "Cyber S3X Trance Sessions."

Featured in this video: Brioni Faith, Deep Energy The cast of the official Cyber S3X music video: Eisschrei, Sunnyx, Vector, Mr X, Cam Cam

Check out the video to the original track here:

Featured in this video:

Brioni Faith, Deep Energy

The cast of the official Cyber Sex music video:

Eisschrei, Sunnyx, Vector, Mr X, Cam Cam

#BrioniFaith #CyberTrance #IndustrialDance

12 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

Produkcja Video : GD Video Studio & Antidoto Records
info : antidoto-records@
tel. 509 056 086 / 506128987
Antidoto Records Party Time Klub Deep Energy dj`s Gabriel Delgado, M@tius, R@ven

31 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

1-Hour Deep Complete Energy System (Nadis) Balancing/Healing/Tuning.

(I borrowed this from my very first video I put up on YouTube) We can't all live in the Himalayas, and let's face it, stress is in our lives and there is little time to get in tune with the world around us, the natural world we rush past.

Balance can return into your otherwise chaotic life. Face it, humans are not supposed to live this way, totally detached from the natural world, shut off from reality. But we can have that contact again, for what are we ourselves if not natural beings? Getting in touch, in tune with your natural self, is within your grasp.

We, like all natural things, from the smallest single celled entity to the universe itself, resonate on a certain range of frequencies, exist within that range of frequencies. And as with all natural things, different parts of us resonate at slight variations of that frequency. (The Chakras)

We can get "out of tune" like a musical instrument, and in being out of tune, the world around us can seem resistant, and indeed it is. But in tune, with all our parts harmonizing with the other parts, suddenly the world itself will come in to sync with us. Your drive down the freeway will feel different, standing in line, work, sitting with friends or family; everything will feel different.

Like the strings of a harp, if they are not in tune, and in the proper pitch, they will vibrate like an unbalanced wheel. But tuned, in the proper pitch, the strings will vibrate smoothly, waves touch, crossing over each other and back again, like water in a stream passing softly over the pebbles it encounters along its path.


“Sound invokes the spirit to play it.” Taos Winds Spirit Music… Music from the Spirit, Music for the Spirit.

…Taos Winds Spirit Music’s purpose has always been to create music that puts you in a perfect mental, physical and spiritual place for your meditation, pondering, Yoga, Reiki, relaxing, and whatever else you partake in spiritually. It heals and balance your being while calming your mind, body and soul.

Enjoy… Relax, let your body heal... Find your Zen again…

I hope you are all doing well out there my friends.

Always remember, the truth is right there in front of us all, at all times, on all matters. But, the truth whispers quietly in our minds, our hearts, it is subtle, it is simple, so simple in fact that it is more often overlooked by most. The truth must be sought.

Namaste! Peace to you all! ☥☬☮☯☸

Taos Winds – TIP JAR (leave a tip if you enjoy my music)

Taos Winds - Music Downloads:

This music is “Fresh from the Spirit” and “In Tune with Nature!” (432 Hz tuning)


14 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

Provided to YouTube by Triple Vision Record Distribution

Deep Energy (Original Mix) · JKS


℗ Rave Alert Records

Released on: 2018-09-25

Artist: JKS
Music Publisher: Copyright Control

Auto-generated by YouTube.

20 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

Background Music for Sleep, Meditation, Relaxation, Massage, Yoga, Studying and Therapy


Hi everyone, this is Jim Butler and welcome to the Deep Energy Podcast 1307 - Earth Energy - Part 2


I have a brand new podcast. ‘Slow Piano for Sleep’ A semi-weekly podcast of my own solo ambient piano pieces. Available wherever you listen to podcasts and at the link below


If you would like to find out more about me and my music, head on over to or you can e-mail me at On the website you will find links to all of my social media including FB, FB fan page, IG and Twitter and any live appearances I am making in the Keene, NH area.


My YouTube page has all of the podcasts if you like listening that way, plus various other videos.


I now have a merchandise store with a collection of mugs, t-shirts, tote bags, hoodie’s and a ton more… you can find it at


This podcast is ad supported, if you would like to listen to the podcast without ads or speaking, please go to my Bandcamp page and most of the podcasts are there. If you would like a podcast and you don’t see it, just send me an e-mail and I will get it uploaded ASAP.


Please share, subscribe, rate and review (helps more people find the podcast) through however you listen to the podcast including:

Spreaker, Stitcher, Apple Podcast App, Castbox, Pandora, Spotify, Soundcloud, Luminary, iHeart Radio,, Deezer, YouTube, Alexa and Siri and many other podcast providers.


Thank you for listening. Until the next time, please be kind to one another, peace, bye…


Original AI Image by Dream App (Not Sponsored)

5 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

Provided to YouTube by Vertv

Deep Energy · Armless Kid · Xavier Dusclaux


℗ Vertv

Released on: 2019-01-25

Auto-generated by YouTube.

12 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

Latto - Big Energy (Official Video)
Stream/Download "777" The Album:
Put your headphones on for a simulated 360 Reality Audio experience 🎧

Subscribe for more official content from Latto:

Director: Arrad
Executive Producer: Andrew Listermann
Producer: Kevin Boston
Production Manager: Erica Nagai
DP: Michael Stine
Editor: Cal Laird
Color: Bryan Smaller
VFX: Scissor Films
Production Company: Riveting Entertainment

Follow Latto

“Big Energy” was mixed with an immersive #360RA experience in mind, use headphones for the full effect.

Stream “Big Energy” in full 360 Reality Audio, now available on Tidal, Amazon and Deezer.
Register at the link below to redeem your 3-month free trial!
*Quantities are limited, while supplies last

The official YouTube channel of Latto. Subscribe for the latest music videos, performances, and more.

#Latto #BigEnergy #BigLatto #360RA

11 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

Deep Energy Healing - 528Hz Miracle Music - Enhance Self Love - Stress Relief Healing Meditation with 417Hz Solfeggio frequency. Positive, empowering and soothing music and nature to nurture your mind, body, and soul. Supporting and empowering you on your life journey. ❖ MP3 Download ❖

Music is tuned to 528Hz and contains the 417Hz Solfeggio frequency.
These frequencies have a specific healing effect on your subconscious mind.

❖ Spirit Tribe Online Shop ❖
You can download our music for FREE if you want to.
Or you can literally choose the amount you want to give for it.

❖ Find us on iTunes ❖
This song (titled Deep Healing Flowing Through Me) is available on this album:

❖ Need Music For Your Projects ❖
If you are looking for high-quality Healing Meditation Music with a license to use on your business-related projects (YouTube, apps, etc.) — we recommend:

❖ Sound Vibration ❖
The most elemental state of vibration is that of sound. Everything has an optimum range of vibration (frequency), and that rate is called resonance. When we are in resonance, we are balanced. Every organ and every cell in our precious body absorbs and emits sound with particular optimum resonate frequency. 432hz and 528hz tuned music creates resonance in our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body.

❖ 417Hz Solfeggio Frequency ❖ Corresponds with our sacral chakra (navel chakra) and is the center of feeling, emotion, pleasure, sensuality, intimacy, creativity and connection. This frequency helps us to accept and love our bodies; accept and acknowledge our emotions; open up for deeper connection with oneself, others and the Universe. It´s all about releasing those blocks we have to fully feel what we are feeling; that is the only way for the emotions to heal and transform. There is tremendous power activate within oneself when you truly allow yourself the surrender, be vulnerable and accept your true emotions in the present. 417Hz also encourages our body to let go of locked in emotions (from trauma and events from this life and past lives), as well as dissolving limiting beliefs that we have been programmed with by people around us and society. It also activates the process of cutting the ancestral energy cords of negative thinking, behavior, and beliefs. It is the center of creativity, passion and manifestation. When in balance you are in the flow of passionate creation; consciously and joyfully manifesting your goals, dreams and intentions.

❖ 528Hz Music ❖
Resonates inside our body, releases emotional blockages and expands our consciousness. 528Hz allows us to tune into the wisdom of the Universe, Divine Intelligence, and our Soul. It creates Unity instead of separation. It expands our hearts and makes us more compassionate and loving. One thing is for sure. A person who resonates with love have inner peace – and this is the starting point for a world where we live in Unity, Peace and Harmony with each other and Mother Earth.

❖ Spirit Tribe Awakening ❖
We are here to serve you. To Inspire, Uplift and spread Positive Energy through music and Intention. To support you wherever you are on your journey. Co-creating more Peace, Love, and Happiness in your life, and the millions of people connecting with us.

All our music (self-composed and licensed from other composers) is tuned to 432Hz and 528Hz, and contains Solfeggio Frequencies; Miracle Tones that Heal, Change and Transform low vibrational energy (negative energy). Letting go of negative thoughts and emotions. Recharging the LIGHT within you. Refueling mind, body, heart and soul with Powerful Positive Energy that aligns you with your Innate Power, Potential and Resources.

When you RAISE YOUR VIBRATION you also help to raise the collective vibration of our beautiful planet and all life on it. You are important. You are important to this planet. You are valuable. You are a beautiful expression of Life. Powerful BEYOND words.

"What you want. Wants you." - Rumi

From Heart to Heart. From Soul to Soul. Thank You for connecting with us.

❖ ❖ ❖ ❤️❤️❤️❖ ❖ ❖

#healingmusic #meditationmusic

7 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

Produkcja Video : GD Video Studio & Antidoto Records
info :
tel. 509 056 086 / 506128987
Klub Deep Energy @ Andrzejki 2013 Electro Night & Laser Show Gabriel Delgado, Dj M@tius, Dj R@ven, Pover NIght

8 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

Daan`D R@ven Koncert Extazy

8 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

I do not own the copyright to this recording so if it needs to be removed, I will remove it.
All the credit goes to the creators and owners of this song.
I don't make profit out of this video.
___________________________________Respect For Music

70 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

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ENERGY MIX Best Deep House & Dance & House SUMMER 2020

#deephouse2020 #vocalhouse2020 #deephousemix2020 #deephouse #vocalhouse #bestdeephouse #bestvocalhouse #deephousesession2020 #bestdeephouse2020 #bestvocalhouse2020

9 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

Deep Healing Energy - 528Hz Ancient Frequency - Sound Healing Session - Zen Meditation. Peaceful, empowering and soothing music and nature to nurture your mind, body, and soul. Supporting and empowering you on your life journey. ❖ MP3 Download ❖

Music is tuned to 528Hz and contains the 639Hz Solfeggio frequency.
These frequencies have a specific healing effect on your subconscious mind.

❖ Spirit Tribe Online Shop ❖
You can download our music for FREE if you want to.
Or you can literally choose the amount you want to give for it.

❖ Find us on iTunes ❖
This track + 3 other versions with nature sounds:

❖ Need Music For Your Projects ❖
If you are looking for high-quality Healing Meditation Music with a license to use on your business-related projects (YouTube, apps, etc.) — we recommend:

❖ Sound Vibration ❖
The most elemental state of vibration is that of sound. Everything has an optimum range of vibration (frequency), and that rate is called resonance. When we are in resonance, we are balanced. Every organ and every cell in our precious body absorbs and emits sound with particular optimum resonate frequency. 432hz and 528hz tuned music creates resonance in our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body.

❖ 741Hz Solfeggio Frequency ❖ Corresponds with the throat chakra. It enables us to speak our truth; express ourselves more freely; being more authentic. It also activates our innate creativity and potential that we have repressed by not expressing our truth out of fear of being judged and rejected by others. It boosts your ability to set healthy boundaries - no matter what others think of it; This is also a reflection of self-love and self-respect. In addition, it is also a powerful frequency for detoxing the body; supporting the organs to remove toxins by unblocking stagnate energy inside the organs. Rejuvenating and "turning up" the light in our cells.

❖ 528Hz Music ❖
Resonates inside our body, releases emotional blockages and expands our consciousness. 528Hz allows us to tune into the wisdom of the Universe, Divine Intelligence, and our Soul. It creates Unity instead of separation. It expands our hearts and makes us more compassionate and loving. One thing is for sure. A person who resonates with love have inner peace – and this is the starting point for a world where we live in Unity, Peace and Harmony with each other and Mother Earth.

❖ Spirit Tribe Awakening ❖
We are here to serve you. To Inspire, Uplift and spread Positive Energy through music and Intention. To support you wherever you are on your journey. Co-creating more Peace, Love, and Happiness in your life, and the millions of people connecting with us.

All our music (self-composed and licensed from other composers) is tuned to 432Hz and 528Hz, and contains Solfeggio Frequencies; Miracle Tones that Heal, Change and Transform low vibrational energy (negative energy). Letting go of negative thoughts and emotions. Recharging the LIGHT within you. Refueling mind, body, heart and soul with Powerful Positive Energy that aligns you with your Innate Power, Potential and Resources.

When you RAISE YOUR VIBRATION you also help to raise the collective vibration of our beautiful planet and all life on it. You are important. You are important to this planet. You are valuable. You are a beautiful expression of Life. Powerful BEYOND words.

"What you want. Wants you." - Rumi

From Heart to Heart. From Soul to Soul. Thank You for connecting with us.

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5 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

Original file name is RW_45 - Deep Energy
These songs can all be found in Rain World\Assets\Futile\Resources\Music\Songs
This song is also track 33 on the OST.

Songs created by Bright Primate (James Primate/Therrien & Lydia Esrig).
Uploaded with permission;

3 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

Mega Hits 2023 🏖️ The Best Of Vocal Deep House Music Mix 2023 🏖️ Summer Music Mix 2023

Mega Hits 2023 🏖️ The Best Of Vocal Deep House Music Mix 2023 🏖️ Summer Music Mix 2023

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#megahits #Summermixs #deephousemix #DeepEnergy

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Track list:
00:00 Ben Plum, Twin - Let Me Love You
02:57 Ben Plum, Tart - What Do You Mean
05:52 Twin & Elise Lieberth - In The End
08:41 Twin, Margad - Hear Me Now
11:24 Titov, Rachela - Titanium
14:17 Max Martis, Medusa - Señorita
17:07 Max Martis, Jessica Chertock - San Francisco
20:08 Aqua Vibe, Deep Mage - Flowers
23:30 Alban Chela, Mike L & Britt - Closer
26:10 Dj Alex Man, Dj Diac, HALUNA - I’m Blue
29:21 Veronica Bravo, PHURS - Middle
31:43 Cale, Britt - Watermelon Sugar
33:40 Cale, OVERHEAT - Thousand Miles
37:10 Le Bober & Jessica Chertock - It Ain’t Me
39:40 HALUNA, T’art - Call You Mine
41:59 Harddope, LexMorris, Veronica Bravo - Flowers
44:14 Harddope, LexMorris, Nito-Onna - Wicked Game
46:56 RushLow, New Beat Order & MINDREM - Criminal
49:59 Dj Goja, Magic Phase - Calm Down
53:01 Veronica Bravo, Le Bober - Faded
55:46 Ben Plum, Twin - Let Me Love You
58:43 Ben Plum, Tart - What Do You Mean
1:01:38 Twin & Elise Lieberth - In The End
1:04:28 Twin, Margad - Hear Me Now
1:07:11 Titov, Rachela - Titanium
1:10:04 Max Martis, Medusa - Señorita
1:12:53 Max Martis, Jessica Chertock - San Francisco
1:15:55 Aqua Vibe, Deep Mage - Flowers
1:19:17 Alban Chela, Mike L & Britt - Closer
1:21:56 Dj Alex Man, Dj Diac, HALUNA - I’m Blue
1:25:07 Veronica Bravo, PHURS - Middle
1:27:29 Cale, Britt - Watermelon Sugar
1:29:27 Cale, OVERHEAT - Thousand Miles
1:32:56 Le Bober & Jessica Chertock - It Ain’t Me
1:35:27 HALUNA, T’art - Call You Mine
1:37:45 Harddope, LexMorris, Veronica Bravo - Flowers
1:40:00 Harddope, LexMorris, Nito-Onna - Wicked Game
1:42:43 RushLow, New Beat Order & MINDREM - Criminal
1:45:46 Dj Goja, Magic Phase - Calm Down
1:48:48 Veronica Bravo, Le Bober - Faded
1:51:32 Ben Plum, Twin - Let Me Love You
1:54:30 Ben Plum, Tart - What Do You Mean
1:57:25 Twin & Elise Lieberth - In The End
2:00:14 Twin, Margad - Hear Me Now
2:02:57 Titov, Rachela - Titanium
2:05:50 Max Martis, Medusa - Señorita
2:08:40 Max Martis, Jessica Chertock - San Francisco
2:11:41 Aqua Vibe, Deep Mage - Flowers
2:15:03 Alban Chela, Mike L & Britt - Closer
2:17:42 Dj Alex Man, Dj Diac, HALUNA - I’m Blue
2:20:54 Veronica Bravo, PHURS - Middle
2:23:15 Cale, Britt - Watermelon Sugar
2:25:13 Cale, OVERHEAT - Thousand Miles
2:28:43 Le Bober & Jessica Chertock - It Ain’t Me
2:31:13 HALUNA, T’art - Call You Mine
2:33:32 Harddope, LexMorris, Veronica Bravo - Flowers
2:35:47 Harddope, LexMorris, Nito-Onna - Wicked Game
2:38:29 RushLow, New Beat Order & MINDREM - Criminal
2:41:32 Dj Goja, Magic Phase - Calm Down
2:44:34 Veronica Bravo, Le Bober - Faded
2:47:19 Ben Plum, Twin - Let Me Love You
2:50:16 Ben Plum, Tart - What Do You Mean
2:53:11 Twin & Elise Lieberth - In The End
2:56:00 Twin, Margad - Hear Me Now
2:58:43 Titov, Rachela - Titanium
3:01:37 Max Martis, Medusa - Señorita
3:04:26 Max Martis, Jessica Chertock - San Francisco
3:07:27 Aqua Vibe, Deep Mage - Flowers
3:10:49 Alban Chela, Mike L & Britt - Closer
3:13:29 Dj Alex Man, Dj Diac, HALUNA - I’m Blue
3:16:40 Veronica Bravo, PHURS - Middle
3:19:02 Cale, Britt - Watermelon Sugar
3:21:00 Cale, OVERHEAT - Thousand Miles
3:24:29 Le Bober & Jessica Chertock - It Ain’t Me
3:27:00 HALUNA, T’art - Call You Mine
3:29:18 Harddope, LexMorris, Veronica Bravo - Flowers
3:31:33 Harddope, LexMorris, Nito-Onna - Wicked Game
3:34:16 RushLow, New Beat Order & MINDREM - Criminal
3:37:18 Dj Goja, Magic Phase - Calm Down
3:40:21 Veronica Bravo, Le Bober - Faded

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deep house music mix 2023, summer music mix 2023, magic music mix 2023, magic club mix 2023, tropical house music mix 2023, megahits 2023, best of vocal deep house mix 2023, chillout mix 2023, remix popular songs 2023, vibes deep house mix 2023, deep house relax music mix 2023, deep mage, summer deep, deep lounge, deep mood, deep lounge, summer chill

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Mega Hits 2023 🏖️ The Best Of Vocal Deep House Music Mix 2023 🏖️ Summer Music Mix 2023
Mega Hits 2023 🏖️ The Best Of Vocal Deep House Music Mix 2023 🏖️ Summer Music Mix 2023
Mega Hits 2023 🏖️ The Best Of Vocal Deep House Music Mix 2023 🏖️ Summer Music Mix 2023

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#megahits #Summermixs #deephousemix #DeepEnergy

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Track list:
00:00 Alosa, Jessica Chertock - All Around The World
02:44 Max Martis, Rachel Morgan Perry - Someone You Loved
05:07 Ben Plum, Twin - Let Me Love You
08:04 Cornel Dascalu, DJ Diac, Margad - All Good Things
10:30 Harddope, LexMorris, Veronica Bravo - Flowers
12:45 Alban Chela, Mike L & Britt - Closer
15:25 Alosa, Jessica Chertock - You’ve Got The Love
18:10 Cale, Britt - Watermelon Sugar
20:08 Cale, Mike Archangelo - Cold
22:27 Cale, OVERHEAT - Thousand Miles
25:57 Cale, Timmy Commerford - Happier
29:04 Deep Mage, Aqua Vibe, Andreea Flavia - Creepin'
32:03 Dj Alex Man, Dj Diac, HALUNA - I’m Blue
35:14 Deepest, AMHouse & Taylor Mosley - Relax
37:54 HALUNA, T’art - Call You Mine
40:12 ReMan, Zentone, Banny - Mockingbird
42:31 T’art, Charis, Kédo Rebelle - Atlantis
44:55 Rachel Morgan Perry, Le Bober - Feel So Close
47:03 RushLow, New Beat Order & MINDREM - Criminal
50:06 Medusa, Le Bober - Some Say
52:54 Alosa, Jessica Chertock - All Around The World
55:38 Max Martis, Rachel Morgan Perry - Someone You Loved
58:01 Ben Plum, Twin - Let Me Love You
1:00:59 Cornel Dascalu, DJ Diac, Margad - All Good Things
1:03:24 Harddope, LexMorris, Veronica Bravo - Flowers
1:05:40 Alban Chela, Mike L & Britt - Closer
1:08:19 Alosa, Jessica Chertock - You’ve Got The Love
1:11:04 Cale, Britt - Watermelon Sugar
1:13:02 Cale, Mike Archangelo - Cold
1:15:21 Cale, OVERHEAT - Thousand Miles
1:18:51 Cale, Timmy Commerford - Happier
1:21:58 Deep Mage, Aqua Vibe, Andreea Flavia - Creepin'
1:24:57 Dj Alex Man, Dj Diac, HALUNA - I’m Blue
1:28:08 Deepest, AMHouse & Taylor Mosley - Relax
1:30:48 HALUNA, T’art - Call You Mine
1:33:06 ReMan, Zentone, Banny - Mockingbird
1:35:26 T’art, Charis, Kédo Rebelle - Atlantis
1:37:50 Rachel Morgan Perry, Le Bober - Feel So Close
1:39:57 RushLow, New Beat Order & MINDREM - Criminal
1:43:00 Medusa, Le Bober - Some Say
1:45:48 Alosa, Jessica Chertock - All Around The World
1:48:32 Max Martis, Rachel Morgan Perry - Someone You Loved
1:50:55 Ben Plum, Twin - Let Me Love You
1:53:53 Cornel Dascalu, DJ Diac, Margad - All Good Things
1:56:18 Harddope, LexMorris, Veronica Bravo - Flowers
1:58:34 Alban Chela, Mike L & Britt - Closer
2:01:13 Alosa, Jessica Chertock - You’ve Got The Love
2:03:58 Cale, Britt - Watermelon Sugar
2:05:56 Cale, Mike Archangelo - Cold
2:08:16 Cale, OVERHEAT - Thousand Miles
2:11:45 Cale, Timmy Commerford - Happier
2:14:53 Deep Mage, Aqua Vibe, Andreea Flavia - Creepin'
2:17:51 Dj Alex Man, Dj Diac, HALUNA - I’m Blue
2:21:02 Deepest, AMHouse & Taylor Mosley - Relax
2:23:42 HALUNA, T’art - Call You Mine
2:26:01 ReMan, Zentone, Banny - Mockingbird
2:28:20 T’art, Charis, Kédo Rebelle - Atlantis
2:30:44 Rachel Morgan Perry, Le Bober - Feel So Close
2:32:51 RushLow, New Beat Order & MINDREM - Criminal
2:35:54 Medusa, Le Bober - Some Say
2:38:42 Alosa, Jessica Chertock - All Around The World
2:41:26 Max Martis, Rachel Morgan Perry - Someone You Loved
2:43:49 Ben Plum, Twin - Let Me Love You
2:46:47 Cornel Dascalu, DJ Diac, Margad - All Good Things
2:49:13 Harddope, LexMorris, Veronica Bravo - Flowers
2:51:28 Alban Chela, Mike L & Britt - Closer
2:54:07 Alosa, Jessica Chertock - You’ve Got The Love
2:56:53 Cale, Britt - Watermelon Sugar
2:58:50 Cale, Mike Archangelo - Cold
3:01:10 Cale, OVERHEAT - Thousand Miles
3:04:39 Cale, Timmy Commerford - Happier
3:07:47 Deep Mage, Aqua Vibe, Andreea Flavia - Creepin'
3:10:45 Dj Alex Man, Dj Diac, HALUNA - I’m Blue
3:13:56 Deepest, AMHouse & Taylor Mosley - Relax
3:16:36 HALUNA, T’art - Call You Mine
3:18:55 ReMan, Zentone, Banny - Mockingbird

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summer, music, mix, 2023, Deep house, Remix, Popular, popular song, song, english song, summer music, edm, house music, vocal deep house, chill out, vibes, summer vibes, ibaza summer music, tropical, tropical house, deep feeling mix, feeling good mix, mega hits 2023, mega hits, deep energy

23 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

Mega Hits 2023 🏖️ The Best Of Vocal Deep House Music Mix 2023 🏖️ Summer Music Mix 2023
Mega Hits 2023 🏖️ The Best Of Vocal Deep House Music Mix 2023 🏖️ Summer Music Mix 2023
Mega Hits 2023 🏖️ The Best Of Vocal Deep House Music Mix 2023 🏖️ Summer Music Mix 2023

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#megahits #Summermixs #deephousemix #DeepEnergy

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Track list:
00:00 Alban Chela, Mike L & Britt - Closer
02:39 Max Martis, Rachel Morgan Perry - Someone You Loved
05:02 Twin, HALUNA - Changes
07:23 Alosa, Jessica Chertock - All Around The World
10:07 Cale, Timmy Commerford - Happier
13:15 Cornel Dascalu, DJ Diac, Margad - All Good Things
15:40 Deepest, AMHouse & Taylor Mosley - Relax
18:20 Alosa, Jessica Chertock - You’ve Got The Love
21:06 Cale, Mike Archangelo - Cold
23:25 LexMorris, PACANI, HALUNA - Outside
25:57 Le Bober, Britt - Sugar
28:53 Medusa, Le Bober - Some Say
31:41 Deep Mage, Aqua Vibe, Andreea Flavia - Creepin'
34:40 ReMan, Zentone, Banny - Mockingbird
36:59 Rachel Morgan Perry, Le Bober - Feel So Close
39:06 Le Bober, Polly Belycee - Robbers
41:56 Max Martis , Elise Lieberth - Deja Vu
44:41 Max Martis, Veronica Bravo - One Last Time
47:38 PACANI ft. Veronica Bravo - Cool For The Summer (VIP Edit)
50:45 PHURS, SOLDIER GIRL - Better Now
53:13 Alban Chela, Mike L & Britt - Closer
55:52 Max Martis, Rachel Morgan Perry - Someone You Loved
58:15 Twin, HALUNA - Changes
1:00:36 Alosa, Jessica Chertock - All Around The World
1:03:20 Cale, Timmy Commerford - Happier
1:06:28 Cornel Dascalu, DJ Diac, Margad - All Good Things
1:08:54 Deepest, AMHouse & Taylor Mosley - Relax
1:11:34 Alosa, Jessica Chertock - You’ve Got The Love
1:14:19 Cale, Mike Archangelo - Cold
1:16:38 LexMorris, PACANI, HALUNA - Outside
1:19:10 Le Bober, Britt - Sugar
1:22:07 Medusa, Le Bober - Some Say
1:24:55 Deep Mage, Aqua Vibe, Andreea Flavia - Creepin'
1:27:53 ReMan, Zentone, Banny - Mockingbird
1:30:12 Rachel Morgan Perry, Le Bober - Feel So Close
1:32:19 Le Bober, Polly Belycee - Robbers
1:35:09 Max Martis , Elise Lieberth - Deja Vu
1:37:55 Max Martis, Veronica Bravo - One Last Time
1:40:52 PACANI ft. Veronica Bravo - Cool For The Summer (VIP Edit)
1:43:58 PHURS, SOLDIER GIRL - Better Now
1:46:26 Alban Chela, Mike L & Britt - Closer
1:49:06 Max Martis, Rachel Morgan Perry - Someone You Loved
1:51:29 Twin, HALUNA - Changes
1:53:50 Alosa, Jessica Chertock - All Around The World
1:56:34 Cale, Timmy Commerford - Happier
1:59:41 Cornel Dascalu, DJ Diac, Margad - All Good Things
2:02:07 Deepest, AMHouse & Taylor Mosley - Relax
2:04:47 Alosa, Jessica Chertock - You’ve Got The Love
2:07:32 Cale, Mike Archangelo - Cold
2:09:52 LexMorris, PACANI, HALUNA - Outside
2:12:23 Le Bober, Britt - Sugar
2:15:20 Medusa, Le Bober - Some Say
2:18:08 Deep Mage, Aqua Vibe, Andreea Flavia - Creepin'
2:21:06 ReMan, Zentone, Banny - Mockingbird
2:23:25 Rachel Morgan Perry, Le Bober - Feel So Close
2:25:33 Le Bober, Polly Belycee - Robbers
2:28:22 Max Martis , Elise Lieberth - Deja Vu
2:31:08 Max Martis, Veronica Bravo - One Last Time
2:34:05 PACANI ft. Veronica Bravo - Cool For The Summer (VIP Edit)
2:37:11 PHURS, SOLDIER GIRL - Better Now
2:39:39 Alban Chela, Mike L & Britt - Closer
2:42:19 Max Martis, Rachel Morgan Perry - Someone You Loved
2:44:42 Twin, HALUNA - Changes
2:47:03 Alosa, Jessica Chertock - All Around The World
2:49:47 Cale, Timmy Commerford - Happier
2:52:55 Cornel Dascalu, DJ Diac, Margad - All Good Things
2:55:20 Deepest, AMHouse & Taylor Mosley - Relax
2:58:00 Alosa, Jessica Chertock - You’ve Got The Love
3:00:46 Cale, Mike Archangelo - Cold
3:03:05 LexMorris, PACANI, HALUNA - Outside
3:05:36 Le Bober, Britt - Sugar
3:08:33 Medusa, Le Bober - Some Say
3:11:21 Deep Mage, Aqua Vibe, Andreea Flavia - Creepin'
3:14:20 ReMan, Zentone, Banny - Mockingbird
3:16:39 Rachel Morgan Perry, Le Bober - Feel So Close
3:18:46 Le Bober, Polly Belycee - Robbers

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summer, music, mix, 2023, Deep house, Remix, Popular, popular song, song, english song, summer music, edm, house music, vocal deep house, chill out, vibes, summer vibes, ibaza summer music, tropical, tropical house, deep feeling mix, feeling good mix, mega hits 2023, mega hits, deep energy

3 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

Mega Hits 2023 🏖️ The Best Of Vocal Deep House Music Mix 2023 🏖️ Summer Music Mix 2023

Mega Hits 2023 🏖️ The Best Of Vocal Deep House Music Mix 2023 🏖️ Summer Music Mix 2023

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#megahits #Summermixs #deephousemix #DeepEnergy

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Track list:
00:00 Titov, Rachela - Titanium
02:53 Twin, Margad - Hear Me Now
05:36 Twin, Jessica Chertock - Hot N Cold
08:07 Twin, Jessica Chertock - Habits
10:36 Twin, Veronica Pichardo - Right Now
14:06 Twin, Jessica Chertock - Close To Me
16:45 Dj Alex Man, Dj Diac, HALUNA - I’m Blue
19:56 Dream Chaos, Della - Supergirl
23:13 Dream Chaos, Medusa - I'm yours
25:48 Mentol, D.E.P. - Big Big World
28:25 Cale, HALUNA - Payphone
31:07 Cale, Britt - Watermelon Sugar
33:05 Cale, HALUNA - Hymn For The Weekend
35:40 Cale, HALUNA - A Sky Full Of Stars
38:44 Le Bober & Jessica Chertock - It Ain’t Me
41:15 Le Bober, Jessica Chertock - Prayer In C
43:56 Le Bober, Rachel Morgan Perry - Paris
46:16 Le Bober - Somebody Else
49:25 Le Bober - More Than You Know
52:35 Alosa, Michelle Ray - Attention
55:27 Titov, Rachela - Titanium
58:20 Twin, Margad - Hear Me Now
1:01:03 Twin, Jessica Chertock - Hot N Cold
1:03:35 Twin, Jessica Chertock - Habits
1:06:04 Twin, Veronica Pichardo - Right Now
1:09:34 Twin, Jessica Chertock - Close To Me
1:12:12 Dj Alex Man, Dj Diac, HALUNA - I’m Blue
1:15:23 Dream Chaos, Della - Supergirl
1:18:41 Dream Chaos, Medusa - I'm yours
1:21:16 Mentol, D.E.P. - Big Big World
1:23:52 Cale, HALUNA - Payphone
1:26:35 Cale, Britt - Watermelon Sugar
1:28:33 Cale, HALUNA - Hymn For The Weekend
1:31:08 Cale, HALUNA - A Sky Full Of Stars
1:34:12 Le Bober & Jessica Chertock - It Ain’t Me
1:36:43 Le Bober, Jessica Chertock - Prayer In C
1:39:24 Le Bober, Rachel Morgan Perry - Paris
1:41:44 Le Bober - Somebody Else
1:44:53 Le Bober - More Than You Know
1:48:03 Alosa, Michelle Ray - Attention
1:50:55 Titov, Rachela - Titanium
1:53:48 Twin, Margad - Hear Me Now
1:56:31 Twin, Jessica Chertock - Hot N Cold
1:59:02 Twin, Jessica Chertock - Habits
2:01:31 Twin, Veronica Pichardo - Right Now
2:05:01 Twin, Jessica Chertock - Close To Me
2:07:40 Dj Alex Man, Dj Diac, HALUNA - I’m Blue
2:10:51 Dream Chaos, Della - Supergirl
2:14:08 Dream Chaos, Medusa - I'm yours
2:16:44 Mentol, D.E.P. - Big Big World
2:19:20 Cale, HALUNA - Payphone
2:22:03 Cale, Britt - Watermelon Sugar
2:24:01 Cale, HALUNA - Hymn For The Weekend
2:26:35 Cale, HALUNA - A Sky Full Of Stars
2:29:40 Le Bober & Jessica Chertock - It Ain’t Me
2:32:10 Le Bober, Jessica Chertock - Prayer In C
2:34:52 Le Bober, Rachel Morgan Perry - Paris
2:37:11 Le Bober - Somebody Else
2:40:21 Le Bober - More Than You Know
2:43:31 Alosa, Michelle Ray - Attention
2:46:23 Titov, Rachela - Titanium
2:49:16 Twin, Margad - Hear Me Now
2:51:59 Twin, Jessica Chertock - Hot N Cold
2:54:30 Twin, Jessica Chertock - Habits
2:56:59 Twin, Veronica Pichardo - Right Now
3:00:29 Twin, Jessica Chertock - Close To Me
3:03:08 Dj Alex Man, Dj Diac, HALUNA - I’m Blue
3:06:19 Dream Chaos, Della - Supergirl
3:09:36 Dream Chaos, Medusa - I'm yours
3:12:11 Mentol, D.E.P. - Big Big World
3:14:48 Cale, HALUNA - Payphone
3:17:30 Cale, Britt - Watermelon Sugar
3:19:28 Cale, HALUNA - Hymn For The Weekend
3:22:03 Cale, HALUNA - A Sky Full Of Stars
3:25:07 Le Bober & Jessica Chertock - It Ain’t Me
3:27:38 Le Bober, Jessica Chertock - Prayer In C
3:30:19 Le Bober, Rachel Morgan Perry - Paris
3:32:39 Le Bober - Somebody Else
3:35:48 Le Bober - More Than You Know
3:38:58 Alosa, Michelle Ray - Attention

🚫 If you have any problem with copyright issues, or question please do not report me, take your time to contact us via mail, and we will response within 48h -
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» Thank you for watching! Have a nice day!

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For copyright issues, please contact us or leave us a personal message. We will remove your material immediately. PLEASE do not choose a Youtube strike.

deep house music mix 2023, summer music mix 2023, magic music mix 2023, magic club mix 2023, tropical house music mix 2023, megahits 2023, best of vocal deep house mix 2023, chillout mix 2023, remix popular songs 2023, vibes deep house mix 2023, deep house relax music mix 2023, deep mage, summer deep, deep lounge, deep mood, deep lounge, summer chill

3 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

Mega Hits 2023 🏖️ The Best Of Vocal Deep House Music Mix 2023 🏖️ Summer Music Mix 2023

🟢 Stream/Download:

#megahits #Summermixs #deephousemix #DeepEnergy

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Track list:
00:00 Twin & Elise Lieberth - In The End
02:49 Twin, Margad - Hear Me Now
05:32 Max Martis, Medusa - Señorita
08:21 Max Martis, Jessica Chertock - San Francisco
11:22 Titov, Rachela - Titanium
14:16 Veronica Bravo, PHURS - Middle
16:37 Ben Plum, Twin - Let Me Love You
19:35 Le Bober & Jessica Chertock - It Ain’t Me
22:06 RushLow, New Beat Order & MINDREM - Criminal
25:09 HALUNA, T’art - Call You Mine
27:27 Aqua Vibe, Deep Mage - Flowers
30:49 Cale, Britt - Watermelon Sugar
32:47 Cale, OVERHEAT - Thousand Miles
36:16 Dj Alex Man, Dj Diac, HALUNA - I’m Blue
39:27 Harddope, LexMorris, Nito-Onna - Wicked Game
42:10 Alban Chela, Mike L & Britt - Closer
44:49 Harddope, LexMorris, Veronica Bravo - Flowers
47:04 Le Bober - Somebody Else
50:14 Le Bober, Jessica Chertock - Prayer In C
52:55 Boostereo, Veronica Bravo - Apologize
55:44 Twin & Elise Lieberth - In The End
58:33 Twin, Margad - Hear Me Now
1:01:16 Max Martis, Medusa - Señorita
1:04:05 Max Martis, Jessica Chertock - San Francisco
1:07:06 Titov, Rachela - Titanium
1:10:00 Veronica Bravo, PHURS - Middle
1:12:22 Ben Plum, Twin - Let Me Love You
1:15:19 Le Bober & Jessica Chertock - It Ain’t Me
1:17:50 RushLow, New Beat Order & MINDREM - Criminal
1:20:53 HALUNA, T’art - Call You Mine
1:23:11 Aqua Vibe, Deep Mage - Flowers
1:26:33 Cale, Britt - Watermelon Sugar
1:28:31 Cale, OVERHEAT - Thousand Miles
1:32:00 Dj Alex Man, Dj Diac, HALUNA - I’m Blue
1:35:12 Harddope, LexMorris, Nito-Onna - Wicked Game
1:37:54 Alban Chela, Mike L & Britt - Closer
1:40:33 Harddope, LexMorris, Veronica Bravo - Flowers
1:42:48 Le Bober - Somebody Else
1:45:58 Le Bober, Jessica Chertock - Prayer In C
1:48:39 Boostereo, Veronica Bravo - Apologize
1:51:28 Twin & Elise Lieberth - In The End
1:54:17 Twin, Margad - Hear Me Now
1:57:00 Max Martis, Medusa - Señorita
1:59:49 Max Martis, Jessica Chertock - San Francisco
2:02:51 Titov, Rachela - Titanium
2:05:44 Veronica Bravo, PHURS - Middle
2:08:06 Ben Plum, Twin - Let Me Love You
2:11:03 Le Bober & Jessica Chertock - It Ain’t Me
2:13:34 RushLow, New Beat Order & MINDREM - Criminal
2:16:37 HALUNA, T’art - Call You Mine
2:18:55 Aqua Vibe, Deep Mage - Flowers
2:22:17 Cale, Britt - Watermelon Sugar
2:24:15 Cale, OVERHEAT - Thousand Miles
2:27:44 Dj Alex Man, Dj Diac, HALUNA - I’m Blue
2:30:56 Harddope, LexMorris, Nito-Onna - Wicked Game
2:33:38 Alban Chela, Mike L & Britt - Closer
2:36:17 Harddope, LexMorris, Veronica Bravo - Flowers
2:38:32 Le Bober - Somebody Else
2:41:42 Le Bober, Jessica Chertock - Prayer In C
2:44:23 Boostereo, Veronica Bravo - Apologize
2:47:12 Twin & Elise Lieberth - In The End
2:50:01 Twin, Margad - Hear Me Now
2:52:44 Max Martis, Medusa - Señorita
2:55:33 Max Martis, Jessica Chertock - San Francisco
2:58:35 Titov, Rachela - Titanium
3:01:28 Veronica Bravo, PHURS - Middle
3:03:50 Ben Plum, Twin - Let Me Love You
3:06:47 Le Bober & Jessica Chertock - It Ain’t Me
3:09:18 RushLow, New Beat Order & MINDREM - Criminal
3:12:21 HALUNA, T’art - Call You Mine
3:14:39 Aqua Vibe, Deep Mage - Flowers
3:18:01 Cale, Britt - Watermelon Sugar
3:19:59 Cale, OVERHEAT - Thousand Miles
3:23:28 Dj Alex Man, Dj Diac, HALUNA - I’m Blue
3:26:40 Harddope, LexMorris, Nito-Onna - Wicked Game
3:29:22 Alban Chela, Mike L & Britt - Closer
3:32:01 Harddope, LexMorris, Veronica Bravo - Flowers
3:34:16 Le Bober - Somebody Else
3:37:26 Le Bober, Jessica Chertock - Prayer In C
3:40:07 Boostereo, Veronica Bravo - Apologize

🚫 If you have any problem with copyright issues, or question please do not report me, take your time to contact us via mail, and we will response within 48h -
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» Thank you for watching! Have a nice day!

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For copyright issues, please contact us or leave us a personal message. We will remove your material immediately. PLEASE do not choose a Youtube strike.

deep house music mix 2023, summer music mix 2023, magic music mix 2023, magic club mix 2023, tropical house music mix 2023, megahits 2023, best of vocal deep house mix 2023, chillout mix 2023, remix popular songs 2023, vibes deep house mix 2023, deep house relax music mix 2023, deep mage, summer deep, deep lounge, deep mood, deep lounge, summer chill

2 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

Mega Hits 2023 🏖️ The Best Of Vocal Deep House Music Mix 2023 🏖️ Summer Music Mix 2023

🟢 Stream/Download:

#megahits #Summermixs #deephousemix #DeepEnergy

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Track list:
00:00 Dj Alex Man, Dj Diac, HALUNA - I’m Blue
03:11 DJ Alex Man, Britt - You Broke Me First
05:41 Cale, Britt - Watermelon Sugar
07:39 Cale, HALUNA - Payphone
10:21 Cale - Sweater Weather
15:23 Cale, HALUNA - Hymn For The Weekend
17:58 Twin, Jessica Chertock - Love Me Like You Do
21:06 Twin, Margad - Hear Me Now
23:49 Veronica Bravo, Le Bober - Faded
26:33 Alosa, Jessica Chertock - Ritual
29:41 Alban Chela, Jessica Chertock - Lonely Together
32:21 Alosa, Michelle Ray - Attention
35:13 Alosa, Nomeli - The Rhytm of the Night
37:55 Alban Chela, Mike L, Overheat - Love Yourself
41:01 Cale, HALUNA - A Sky Full Of Stars
44:05 Cale, Veronica Bravo - Promises
47:18 Cale, Janet Tung - Cold Water
49:54 Max Martis, Medusa - Señorita
52:43 Twin, Veronica Bravo - We Don't Talk Anymore
55:44 Dj Alex Man, Dj Diac, HALUNA - I’m Blue
58:55 DJ Alex Man, Britt - You Broke Me First
1:01:25 Cale, Britt - Watermelon Sugar
1:03:23 Cale, HALUNA - Payphone
1:06:05 Cale - Sweater Weather
1:11:07 Cale, HALUNA - Hymn For The Weekend
1:13:42 Twin, Jessica Chertock - Love Me Like You Do
1:16:50 Twin, Margad - Hear Me Now
1:19:33 Veronica Bravo, Le Bober - Faded
1:22:17 Alosa, Jessica Chertock - Ritual
1:25:25 Alban Chela, Jessica Chertock - Lonely Together
1:28:05 Alosa, Michelle Ray - Attention
1:30:57 Alosa, Nomeli - The Rhytm of the Night
1:33:39 Alban Chela, Mike L, Overheat - Love Yourself
1:36:45 Cale, HALUNA - A Sky Full Of Stars
1:39:49 Cale, Veronica Bravo - Promises
1:43:02 Cale, Janet Tung - Cold Water
1:45:38 Max Martis, Medusa - Señorita
1:48:27 Twin, Veronica Bravo - We Don't Talk Anymore
1:51:28 Dj Alex Man, Dj Diac, HALUNA - I’m Blue
1:54:39 DJ Alex Man, Britt - You Broke Me First
1:57:09 Cale, Britt - Watermelon Sugar
1:59:07 Cale, HALUNA - Payphone
2:01:49 Cale - Sweater Weather
2:06:51 Cale, HALUNA - Hymn For The Weekend
2:09:26 Twin, Jessica Chertock - Love Me Like You Do
2:12:34 Twin, Margad - Hear Me Now
2:15:17 Veronica Bravo, Le Bober - Faded
2:18:01 Alosa, Jessica Chertock - Ritual
2:21:09 Alban Chela, Jessica Chertock - Lonely Together
2:23:49 Alosa, Michelle Ray - Attention
2:26:41 Alosa, Nomeli - The Rhytm of the Night
2:29:23 Alban Chela, Mike L, Overheat - Love Yourself
2:32:29 Cale, HALUNA - A Sky Full Of Stars
2:35:33 Cale, Veronica Bravo - Promises
2:38:46 Cale, Janet Tung - Cold Water
2:41:22 Max Martis, Medusa - Señorita
2:44:11 Twin, Veronica Bravo - We Don't Talk Anymore
2:47:12 Dj Alex Man, Dj Diac, HALUNA - I’m Blue
2:50:23 DJ Alex Man, Britt - You Broke Me First
2:52:53 Cale, Britt - Watermelon Sugar
2:54:51 Cale, HALUNA - Payphone
2:57:34 Cale - Sweater Weather
3:02:35 Cale, HALUNA - Hymn For The Weekend
3:05:10 Twin, Jessica Chertock - Love Me Like You Do
3:08:18 Twin, Margad - Hear Me Now
3:11:01 Veronica Bravo, Le Bober - Faded
3:13:45 Alosa, Jessica Chertock - Ritual
3:16:53 Alban Chela, Jessica Chertock - Lonely Together
3:19:33 Alosa, Michelle Ray - Attention
3:22:25 Alosa, Nomeli - The Rhytm of the Night
3:25:07 Alban Chela, Mike L, Overheat - Love Yourself
3:28:13 Cale, HALUNA - A Sky Full Of Stars
3:31:18 Cale, Veronica Bravo - Promises
3:34:30 Cale, Janet Tung - Cold Water
3:37:06 Max Martis, Medusa - Señorita
3:39:55 Twin, Veronica Bravo - We Don't Talk Anymore

🚫 If you have any problem with copyright issues, or question please do not report me, take your time to contact us via mail, and we will response within 48h -
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» Thank you for watching! Have a nice day!

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For copyright issues, please contact us or leave us a personal message. We will remove your material immediately. PLEASE do not choose a Youtube strike.

deep house music mix 2023, summer music mix 2023, magic music mix 2023, magic club mix 2023, tropical house music mix 2023, megahits 2023, best of vocal deep house mix 2023, chillout mix 2023, remix popular songs 2023, vibes deep house mix 2023, deep house relax music mix 2023, deep mage, summer deep, deep lounge, deep mood, deep lounge, summer chill

11 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

Mega Hits 2023 🏖️ The Best Of Vocal Deep House Music Mix 2023 🏖️ Summer Music Mix 2023

🟢 Stream/Download:

#megahits #Summermixs #deephousemix #DeepEnergy

✔️ Follow Deep Energy
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Track list:
00:00 Dream Chaos, Della - Supergirl
03:17 Veronica Bravo, Le Bober - Faded
06:01 Twin, Jessica Chertock - Love Me Like You Do
09:09 Dj Goja x Magic Phase - Calm Down
12:11 Cale, HALUNA - Payphone
14:54 Cale, HALUNA - A Sky Full Of Stars
17:58 Cale, HALUNA - Hymn For The Weekend
20:33 LexMorris, RachelA - Wolves
23:04 Max Martis, HALUNA - California Dreamin
25:40 HALUNA, PACANI - Lost On You
28:18 Twin, Jessica Chertock - Habits (Stay High)
30:47 Le Bober - More Than You Know
33:57 Elise Lieberth & Le Bober - Say It Right
36:54 LexMorris, Michelle Ray - What Is Love

🚫 If you have any problem with copyright issues, or question please do not report me, take your time to contact us via mail, and we will response within 48h -
💌 💌
» Thank you for watching! Have a nice day!

» Do not forget LIKE-SHARE-COMMENT
For copyright issues, please contact us or leave us a personal message. We will remove your material immediately. PLEASE do not choose a Youtube strike.

deep house music mix 2023, summer music mix 2023, magic music mix 2023, magic club mix 2023, tropical house music mix 2023, megahits 2023, best of vocal deep house mix 2023, chillout mix 2023, remix popular songs 2023, vibes deep house mix 2023, deep house relax music mix 2023, deep mage, summer deep, deep lounge, deep mood, deep lounge, summer chill

3 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

Mega Hits 2023 🏖️ The Best Of Vocal Deep House Music Mix 2023 🏖️ Summer Music Mix 2023

🟢 Stream/Download:

#megahits #Summermixs #deephousemix #DeepEnergy

✔️ Follow Deep Energy
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Track list:
00:00 Titov, Rachela - Titanium
02:53 Twin, Jessica Chertock - Love Me Like You Do
06:01 Boostereo, Veronica Bravo - Apologize
08:49 Twin & Elise Lieberth - In The End
11:38 Twin, Margad - Hear Me Now
14:22 Dj Alex Man, Dj Diac, HALUNA - I’m Blue
17:33 Cale, HALUNA - A Sky Full Of Stars
20:37 Cale, HALUNA - Hymn For The Weekend
23:12 Cale, Britt - Watermelon Sugar
25:10 Cale, HALUNA - Payphone
27:52 Veronica Bravo, Le Bober - Faded
30:37 Max Martis, Medusa - Señorita
33:26 Dj Goja, Magic Phase - Calm Down
36:28 Ben Plum, Alosa - Girls Like You
39:15 LexMorris, RachelA - Wolves
41:46 Twin, Veronica Pichardo - Right Now
45:16 HALUNA, T’art - Call You Mine
47:34 Alban Chela, Mike L & Britt - Closer
50:14 Ben Plum, Twin - Let Me Love You
53:11 Aqua Vibe, Deep Mage - Flowers
56:33 Titov, Rachela - Titanium
59:26 Twin, Jessica Chertock - Love Me Like You Do
1:02:34 Boostereo, Veronica Bravo - Apologize
1:05:23 Twin & Elise Lieberth - In The End
1:08:12 Twin, Margad - Hear Me Now
1:10:55 Dj Alex Man, Dj Diac, HALUNA - I’m Blue
1:14:06 Cale, HALUNA - A Sky Full Of Stars
1:17:11 Cale, HALUNA - Hymn For The Weekend
1:19:46 Cale, Britt - Watermelon Sugar
1:21:43 Cale, HALUNA - Payphone
1:24:26 Veronica Bravo, Le Bober - Faded
1:27:11 Max Martis, Medusa - Señorita
1:30:00 Dj Goja, Magic Phase - Calm Down
1:33:02 Ben Plum, Alosa - Girls Like You
1:35:49 LexMorris, RachelA - Wolves
1:38:19 Twin, Veronica Pichardo - Right Now
1:41:49 HALUNA, T’art - Call You Mine
1:44:08 Alban Chela, Mike L & Britt - Closer
1:46:47 Ben Plum, Twin - Let Me Love You
1:49:45 Aqua Vibe, Deep Mage - Flowers
1:53:07 Titov, Rachela - Titanium
1:56:00 Twin, Jessica Chertock - Love Me Like You Do
1:59:08 Boostereo, Veronica Bravo - Apologize
2:01:57 Twin & Elise Lieberth - In The End
2:04:46 Twin, Margad - Hear Me Now
2:07:29 Dj Alex Man, Dj Diac, HALUNA - I’m Blue
2:10:40 Cale, HALUNA - A Sky Full Of Stars
2:13:44 Cale, HALUNA - Hymn For The Weekend
2:16:19 Cale, Britt - Watermelon Sugar
2:18:17 Cale, HALUNA - Payphone
2:21:00 Veronica Bravo, Le Bober - Faded
2:23:44 Max Martis, Medusa - Señorita
2:26:34 Dj Goja, Magic Phase - Calm Down
2:29:36 Ben Plum, Alosa - Girls Like You
2:32:23 LexMorris, RachelA - Wolves
2:34:53 Twin, Veronica Pichardo - Right Now
2:38:23 HALUNA, T’art - Call You Mine
2:40:42 Alban Chela, Mike L & Britt - Closer
2:43:21 Ben Plum, Twin - Let Me Love You
2:46:19 Aqua Vibe, Deep Mage - Flowers
2:49:41 Titov, Rachela - Titanium
2:52:34 Twin, Jessica Chertock - Love Me Like You Do
2:55:42 Boostereo, Veronica Bravo - Apologize
2:58:30 Twin & Elise Lieberth - In The End
3:01:19 Twin, Margad - Hear Me Now
3:04:03 Dj Alex Man, Dj Diac, HALUNA - I’m Blue
3:07:14 Cale, HALUNA - A Sky Full Of Stars
3:10:18 Cale, HALUNA - Hymn For The Weekend
3:12:53 Cale, Britt - Watermelon Sugar
3:14:51 Cale, HALUNA - Payphone
3:17:33 Veronica Bravo, Le Bober - Faded
3:20:18 Max Martis, Medusa - Señorita
3:23:07 Dj Goja, Magic Phase - Calm Down
3:26:09 Ben Plum, Alosa - Girls Like You
3:28:56 LexMorris, RachelA - Wolves
3:31:27 Twin, Veronica Pichardo - Right Now
3:34:57 HALUNA, T’art - Call You Mine
3:37:15 Alban Chela, Mike L & Britt - Closer
3:39:55 Ben Plum, Twin - Let Me Love You
3:42:52 Aqua Vibe, Deep Mage - Flowers

🚫 If you have any problem with copyright issues, or question please do not report me, take your time to contact us via mail, and we will response within 48h -
💌 💌
» Thank you for watching! Have a nice day!

» Do not forget LIKE-SHARE-COMMENT
For copyright issues, please contact us or leave us a personal message. We will remove your material immediately. PLEASE do not choose a Youtube strike.

deep house music mix 2023, summer music mix 2023, magic music mix 2023, magic club mix 2023, tropical house music mix 2023, megahits 2023, best of vocal deep house mix 2023, chillout mix 2023, remix popular songs 2023, vibes deep house mix 2023, deep house relax music mix 2023, deep mage, summer deep, deep lounge, deep mood, deep lounge, summer chill

5 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

10 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

Singer :Anupa Anto ( Zee Tamil) music: Mr. Ben mohan (TVM)
Lyrics:Mr. Thurai Raj
Orchestration: Mr.Joy Malamari
Flute:Mr.Shaji Surya
Violin:Mr. Suraj Kumar
Tabala:Mr:Jayan Malamari
Rhythm Composer:Mr.John Malamari.
Chorus:Mrs. K. Vinitha, Ms.Anupa Anto,Mrs.HimaAnish
Mixing & Mastering : Royal Mix Marthandam
Camera: Kannan Ganga
Cuts & Edit:Saju.Anns
Production & Directions: LINU JOHN.
கல்வாரியே... கல்வாரியே ...
கறையில்லா உம் வாழ்வு கண்மூடியே
விடைகாண வந்தோம் விடி வெள்ளியானோம்
இன்னும் இருள் தான் பூமி எங்கும்
படைசூழ கடல் வந்து காற்றில் மோதும்
உடைந்தாலும் கண்ணாடி பிம்பம் காட்டும்
இறைவா இறைவா உம் இதயம் வரவா
வானை கொண்டு வந்து பூமியில் நடவா
கரை காணா பேரின்பமே கதிர் உந்தன் ஒளி பிம்பமே
மண்மூடும் வாழ்வானது கண் மூட வரும் சொர்க்கமே
விடிகாலை வரவே இருளை துரத்து
பொருள் கொண்டுதந்தாலும் புறம் தட்டி நிறுத்து
நதியெல்லாம் கடலோடு நானுந்தன் மடியோடு
மலைஏற மலைஏற மூச்சாய் இரைத்தேன்
இதுதானே என்பாடு இறைவனின் ஏற்பாடு
எப்பாடு இனி மேலும் நான் படவே
வாழ்வாங்கு வாழவரம்தருவாயா
வானை வளைக்க வரம்தருவாயா
நெஞ்சுரம் தருவாயா
இறைவா….. இறைவா……
வாழ்வோடு போராட்டமா வானம்தான்கைக்கெட்டுமா
வழிமாறி நீ செல்வதால் விழி நீரில் உப்பு தப்புமா
தடைபட்ட வாழ்க்கை இனி உடைப்பட்டு போகும்
கவலை கார்மேகம் போல் மழையாய் பொழியும்
வடிகாலாய் பாயட்டும் வெள்ளம் இதனால்
விழிக்குள் இருக்கும் உன் வாழ்வை துவக்கு
தூரத்தில் தெரியுதா அதுவே மின் விளக்கு
கலங்கரை விளக்கு கண் முன் இருக்கு
எரிந்திட நீயும் திரியை முறுக்கு
நன்றெது தீதெது அதை நீ விளக்கு
வாழ்வு உனக்குள்ளே இருக்கு
இறைவா ………. இறைவா ………………

இறை ஆசி உங்கள் அனைவர் உடனும் இருப்பதாக 🙏
👍 Leon 75 Music
Leon HD Studio
Marthandam - +91 7598688184

5 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

Bars and Melody do an awesome cover of Justin Bieber's 'Baby' on Friday Download!

Check out one of BAM's previous Friday Download covers of Airplanes by B.o.B ft Hayley Williams

For more Friday Download videos visit

For more fun, CBBC games and great makes visit

CBBC aims to encourage children to find out more about existing interests and inspire them to develop new ones; helps them understand the world around them and provides an entertaining watch when they just want to relax.

70% of 7-12 year olds now go online most days in the week too. Unique browsers to the CBBC website currently stand at over 915,000 per week.

The majority of our output is UK-made, reflecting children's lives in the UK today. Popular programmes on the channel include Wolfblood, The Next Step, Friday Download, Diddy Movies, Four O'Clock Club and The Dumping Ground. It's possible to catch up on CBBC shows on the CBBC iPlayer at

10 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

Click here to pre-save the premiere:

See you on Friday at the YT Premiere Chat! 

4 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

Singer & Tune: Mr. Ben mohan (TVM)
Lyrics:Mr. Thurai Raj
Orchestration: Mr.Joy Malamari
Flute:Mr.Shaji Surya
Violin:Mr. Suraj Kumar
Tabala:Mr:Jayan Malamari
Rhythm Composer:Mr.John Malamari.
Chorus:Mrs. K. Vinitha, Ms.Anupa Anto,Mrs.HimaAnish
Mixing & Mastering : Royal Mix Marthandam
Camera: Vishnu, Stalin,Linujohn
Cuts & Edit:Saju.Anns
Production & Directions: LINU JOHN.
கல்வாரியே... கல்வாரியே ...
கறையில்லா உம் வாழ்வு கண்மூடியே
விடைகாண வந்தோம் விடி வெள்ளியானோம்
இன்னும் இருள் தான் பூமி எங்கும்
படைசூழ கடல் வந்து காற்றில் மோதும்
உடைந்தாலும் கண்ணாடி பிம்பம் காட்டும்
இறைவா இறைவா உம் இதயம் வரவா
வானை கொண்டு வந்து பூமியில் நடவா
கரை காணா பேரின்பமே கதிர் உந்தன் ஒளி பிம்பமே
மண்மூடும் வாழ்வானது கண் மூட வரும் சொர்க்கமே
விடிகாலை வரவே இருளை துரத்து
பொருள் கொண்டுதந்தாலும் புறம் தட்டி நிறுத்து
நதியெல்லாம் கடலோடு நானுந்தன் மடியோடு
மலைஏற மலைஏற மூச்சாய் இரைத்தேன்
இதுதானே என்பாடு இறைவனின் ஏற்பாடு
எப்பாடு இனி மேலும் நான் படவே
வாழ்வாங்கு வாழவரம்தருவாயா
வானை வளைக்க வரம்தருவாயா
நெஞ்சுரம் தருவாயா
இறைவா….. இறைவா……
வாழ்வோடு போராட்டமா வானம்தான்கைக்கெட்டுமா
வழிமாறி நீ செல்வதால் விழி நீரில் உப்பு தப்புமா
தடைபட்ட வாழ்க்கை இனி உடைப்பட்டு போகும்
கவலை கார்மேகம் போல் மழையாய் பொழியும்
வடிகாலாய் பாயட்டும் வெள்ளம் இதனால்
விழிக்குள் இருக்கும் உன் வாழ்வை துவக்கு
தூரத்தில் தெரியுதா அதுவே மின் விளக்கு
கலங்கரை விளக்கு கண் முன் இருக்கு
எரிந்திட நீயும் திரியை முறுக்கு
நன்றெது தீதெது அதை நீ விளக்கு
வாழ்வு உனக்குள்ளே இருக்கு
இறைவா ………. இறைவா ………………

இறை ஆசி உங்கள் அனைவர் உடனும் இருப்பதாக 🙏
👍 Leon 75 Music
Leon HD Studio
Marthandam - +91 7598688184

3 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

✨ LEE LA DESCRIPCIÓN, Mi Querido Fan del FNF✨
Hey, Hey, Hey! Esta es la cancion que llevaba usando en los creditos desde el tercer video de FNF, Y es la canción emblema de FNF, Aqui en el Carnaval de Muñéquito, Compuesta por nuestra hermosa compositora, Darks The Artist
*Darks The Artist (Compositora del Canal):

*Sígueme por ahí en TikTok:
*Animación de los créditos por Panecito Sabrosón:
*Ah sí, Tengo un Twitter

#fridaynightfunkin #fnf #fridaynightfunkinfandub #fnfcomic #fnfrecopilacion #fnfcompilation #carnavaldemuñéquito #carnavaldemuñequito #muñequito

3 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

Little Mix – Sweet Melody (Official Video)

Listen to the ‘Sweet Melody’ here:

To celebrate #10YearsOfLittleMix listen to our brand new album ‘Between Us’ here:

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Director: KC Locke
Executive Producers: Marisa Garner & Amalia Rosen-Rawlings
Producers: Lewis Nicholson & Meghan Wilcox
Production Company: Swords & Eagles
PM: Ella Taylor Palfrey
Production Designer: Jenny O’sullivan
DOP: Stefan Yap
Editor: Jamil Shaukat
Movement Directors & Choreographers: King O’Holi & Jason Thanh

Do do do x 14

In a whole nother lifetime
There was this boy that I knew
He made me feel like a woman
We were young and silly fools
Anyway he was in a band
Wrote love songs about me
I wasn't crazy bout the words 
But the melodies were sweet
Went something like

Do do do x 14

Every time we'd go dancing
I’d see his straying eyes
Gave him too many chances
Pushed my keys too many times
Anyway he'd start acting up
And I'd be on my way to leave
But I stopped in my tracks
When I heard this melody
And it went like 

Do do do x 14

He used to sing me sweet melodies
He played me, made me believe it was real love
Sang me sweet melodies
But the day he did me wrong
The song couldn't go on & on & on

He used to sing me sweet melodies
He played me, made me believe it was real love
Sang me sweet melodies
But the day he did me wrong
The song couldn't go on & on & on

He would lie he would cheat
Over syncopated beats
I was just his tiny dancer
He had control of my feet
Yes when he came along
That's when I lost a groove
There was no song in the world
To sing along or make me move
Something something like

Do do do x 14

He used to sing me sweet melodies
He played me, made me believe it was real love
Sang me sweet melodies
But the day he did me wrong
The song couldn't go on & on & on

He used to sing me sweet melodies
He played me, made me believe it was real love
Sang me sweet melodies
But the day he did me wrong
The song couldn't go on & on & on

Do do do x 14

On and on, on and on

He used to sing me sweet melodies
He played me, made me believe it was real love
Sang me sweet melodies
But the day he did me wrong
The song couldn't go on & on & on

#LittleMix #SweetMelody #10YearsOfLittleMix #Pop

9 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

immaculate vibes - chill melody mix for Friday
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Songs for when you're on a train 🚟 pop chill playlist:
Tuesday glow 🌈 a playlist for the wonderful days:

#immaculatevibes #chillmusic #saturdaymelody

9 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

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