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NYT Cooking
4 Просмотры · 2 лет тому назад

Short ribs, great for Passover, wonderful for Easter, perfect for literally any day of the week where you feel like tending lovingly to a large pot of meat. These short ribs are not the classic soupy, red wine-y, soft and braised number, more of a spiced (cumin, fennel, coriander), tangy (vinegar, lemon), and even *crispy* (yes, crispy!) version.

If the idea of cooking large hunks of meat terrifies you, please know you are not alone. But also know that short ribs are nearly impossible to overcook and are extremely forgiving. Regardless of how you treat them, they will likely turn out pretty great, because that’s just the kind of meat short ribs are. Short ribs, in many ways, are the Aidan Shaw of meats. Dependable. Classic. Super hot. Would probably fix your sink if you asked them to.

The nice thing here is that while this is, essentially, a pot of “meat and potatoes,” it still feels kind of fresh to me (both literally and figuratively). Literally because of the vinegar and finely chopped lemon (preserved lemon would be a good substitute if you’re looking for ways to use that jar up), figuratively because I’m not asking you to do the classic “make a mirepoix” then add an entire bottle of dry red wine.

Just know before going in that they DO braise for a small eternity. They braise until you think they can’t braise anymore and then you braise them a little longer until they all but fall apart when you so much as look in their direction (if, for some reason, you think your short ribs are too tough and somehow *overcooked*, I would wager to guess they are actually *undercooked* and would like you to keep cooking).

The last step before serving, wherein the perfectly tender and adequately cooked short ribs are uncovered to crisp up the ribs and potatoes and further thicken and reduce the sauce increases cooking time by about 30-ish minutes, which is the best 30-ish minutes you’ll ever spend, I promise. These are a lot, flavor and texture-wise, and but because they are a one-pot meat and potatoes kind of dish, they don’t need much more than a good tangy salad and a light, maybe chilled, red wine.


0:00​​​ Start
0:16 Home Movies with Alison Roman
0:26​ Intro to Braised Short Ribs
1:32 Cut and season the short ribs for braising
3:54 Prepare the onions, garlic, and potatoes
5:22 Sear the short ribs
8:29 Transfer the short ribs to a pan and brown the potatoes
9:42 Start the broth with the garlic, onions, and spices
10:45 Add tomato paste, water, white wine vinegar, and beef broth
12:02 Add the short ribs (bone side up) and potatoes back to the pot
13:26 Season the pot with chopped lemon
14:10 Place the pot in the oven to roast
15:34 Plate the braised short ribs and potatoes
16:17 Finish and taste the Braised Short Ribs

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Director: Daniel Hurwitz
Editor: Pierre Coupier
Director of Photography: Dennis Thomas
Sound: Joe Quartararo